What do you collect?

19 Dec 2019
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United Kingdom
What sort of things do you collect or enjoy being part of your hobby?

I love everything about aviation so recently got a couple of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic 747 Windows for my wall and a massive 747 Rolls Royce Engine fan blade that would have been flying at about 38000 Feet!

Show us your crazy mad purchases or things that you just "need" in your collection.


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I collect Music Concert DVD's , not got a huge amount, as i only collect the ones i like - only have around 50

not really a collection, but I like good quality cutglass and will often look to see what pieces are in the charity shops or antique fairs
Picked up a rose bowl, and a pear drop decanter recently , have quite a few small jugs with a stopped for oil etc
I collect Music Concert DVD's , not got a huge amount, as i only collect the ones i like - only have around 50

not really a collection, but I like good quality cutglass and will often look to see what pieces are in the charity shops or antique fairs
Picked up a rose bowl, and a pear drop decanter recently , have quite a few small jugs with a stopped for oil etc

I love a good concert DVD. Sometimes they'll play special live extended or changed versions of their tracks. Watching a live band playing is quality too.

Interesting stuff cut glass. Bet there are some cool unique pieces.
Interesting stuff cut glass. Bet there are some cool unique pieces.
Yep, got an antique decanter, and i have 2 really good quality decanters in a Tantalus that my dad made - in 1977 - 21st

the DVDs are interesting as some of the filming and quality is terrible - all started back in 2006 ish maybe before , when my son got me a Texas DVD
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Old mobile phones, mostly the pre digital. That reminds me, I haven’t bought any for ages. Right, eBay calling…….
I collect 45rpm records for my old ( same age as me) jukebox. And some jazz LP's ...nice ;)
I looked around me, and I suppose I have collected a few cameras and radios, but not so much push bikes, or railway memorabilia. I did collect a lot to do with my trades, auto electrics and commercial, I have some PLC's, however lost the program and lead to program them with, may be on a disc some where.

The amount of pictures is silly, but not printed, just the RAW files. I have kept up my radio licence, may as well now as free, well only UK one, the Falklands and Hong Kong licences have lapsed. Of all the cameras now only use my phone and Nikon, and radios just three cheap ones, mainly use PMR 466, which does not require a licence.

I actually got myself a new meter Testing voltage.jpg not sure why, as no longer working.

But main thing is home brew, I only use kits, non of this brewing from the grain, but at the moment collected around 100 pints of booze, must put on another.

Oh and yes, grey hair on my chin, it's the time of year.
Interested in second WW, especially Royal Airforce, but also interested in RN as Dad was a Class 1 stoker on board a flower class corvette from early '41 to war end in '45. Pictures, books, (not novels, just non-fiction), autobiographies etc
My boss bought me, for Christmas, a biography of a chap called Trevor Bowyer, written by a Lancaster rear gunner named Kenneth Ballantyne. Looks quite interesting and when I opened it, to start reading it last night, I discovered it had been signed by the author wishing me a Merry Christmas for 2022. Nice touch from my boss.
I used to collect albums, mostly 60s-90s rock although there's a few that'd surprise you, and had just over 2,000 by the time i ran out of room to keep them when i moved on so now the empire is down to one boxful, 101 diehard survivors of a 'misspent' youth.
Had to cull my books, too, and they're just as eclectic; from P.G.Wodehouse to The Kalevala.
Now, i suppose i collect rocks. Mossy rocks. Rocks that have interesting shape and texture for my garden and some i work on. I always keep an eye open for suitable shapes and carry them home, if not too heavy. One huge bugg'r i rolled home; took me an hour but it sits so fine in the middle of the rockery that it was well worth the effort.
Sometimes i see an interesting shape in a fallen branch, so that'll come home if it has good moss which will spread across the ground around as the wood decays, attracting wood lice which the blackbird will hunt for. They find them crunchy. I've seen her eat slugs like jelly babies, too. Head first, as nature intended. :mrgreen:
Interested in second WW, especially Royal Airforce, but also interested in RN as Dad was a Class 1 stoker on board a flower class corvette from early '41 to war end in '45. Pictures, books, (not novels, just non-fiction), autobiographies etc
My boss bought me, for Christmas, a biography of a chap called Trevor Bowyer, written by a Lancaster rear gunner named Kenneth Ballantyne. Looks quite interesting and when I opened it, to start reading it last night, I discovered it had been signed by the author wishing me a Merry Christmas for 2022. Nice touch from my boss.
found a interesting RAF book about a pilot . Sticky Murphy.
Conny ---Yes, it's title is " Sticky Murphy Lover of life ". By James H Coley (Flight sgt. and navigator to Wing co. Murphy) published by Flying High books ISBN-978-1-9998128-4-9 . J Coley was the father of one of my classmates from the '60's who I am still in touch with. . Hope this helps.
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