Do you enjoy your career/job?

See below

  • A

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • B

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • C

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
16 Sep 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I remember years ago reading about a humungous survey/study that had been conducted into career/job satisfaction. The number of people that (to varying degrees) were dissatisfied was in the 70-80% range, can't recall the exact percentage but was high.

Whether you're employed or self-employed, whether you consider what you do a career or simply a job, on average how much (taking everything into account) do you enjoy it? When it's time for you to start 'a shift' do you feel:

A. Awesome, can't wait to get to it! Love every minute of what I do.
B. I enjoy it, nothing more nothing less.
C. Kind of indifferent towards it, I neither like nor dislike what I do.
D. Don't really enjoy what I do, it pays the bills I suppose.
E. I detest what I do!

Feel free to say why you chose whatever option and if you're happy to share what you do, again feel free. If you're retired simply apply the above to whatever career/job you had before putting your feet up :)
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I chose B. I enjoy my job (well, I was enjoying when I last worked in March) but I’ve got to a stage now where I could take it or leave it. Fortunately we are not burdened with any debt but if I was and I had to work, I’d probably hate it if that makes sense!
I chose B. I enjoy my job (well, I was enjoying when I last worked in March) but I’ve got to a stage now where I could take it or leave it. Fortunately we are not burdened with any debt but if I was and I had to work, I’d probably hate it if that makes sense!
Similar to my take on work, financially stable so if I gave it up tomorrow we could manage (as long as Mrs CB works till she drops). I do enjoy fault finding and the buzz I get from sorting the problem, I knock back testing work now as its tedious
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Now retired, but I likewise went through the same range of jobs. I was lucky, only ever had one job in the E range. Most were in the A range, where I would go well over what was needed in my enthusiasm to do the job.
I took redundancy at 55 and haven't worked for 15 years. I did enjoy my civil service job till the mad woman thatcher privatised me. It went downhill from there. I made as much trouble as I possibly could with out getting sacked or it affecting my pension, until they offered me redundancy. I have thoroughly enjoyed my "enforced" retirement and hopefully it will carry on until I die. Nothing in that poll though to reflect my circumstances.
I would have put A for the 10 years I worked at GEC during the 90's but the rest would be B with the exception of when I left school and got a job as a piano sprayer. Absolutely hated it and only stuck it out for 2 weeks before getting an apprenticeship
Anything I have done over the years has always had maximum input and enjoyed virtually everything to a higher or lesser degree. Never left a job on a sour note and a few times have either been asked at a later date if I would be interested in returning or, If I needed a reference, been given a glowing but truthful one.
I spent 20 or so years running a business -mostly loved it and would put an A

then last few years the lack of an exit strategy, ever increasing red tape and the pain of employing people made me sick of it.

Im now doing some freelance stuff in the same trade, sometimes working on the tools, sometimes working at home in the office -its back up to A again
I could be anywhere from A to E depending on what I’m doing on any particular day.
Most of the time I enjoyed what I did - except for the last 18 months where I was asked to change roles to cover a short term job that was cancelled the week after I started on it, the contract wouldn't allow me to leave. The job I next took was absolutely mindless and boring - but I made the company pay, 12 months of living away from home.
I like my job most of the time.

I don't like when my immediate boss suddenly has a brain wave and decides when we are trying to reduce paperwork to make the business more agile he introduces more paperwork. Wouldn't have a problem but 90% of what he wants done in the new paperwork is covered in another document we have to fill in.... Guys a right tool sometimes.

I also get really annoyed when i have to think for other people who have been doing the job for years and really should know better and the standard of workmanship we require... It can be soul destroying..

But then their is days when the engine goes on test and performs better than factory, customers super happy, suns shining etc
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