What have you been doing today?

We're lucky that he's very gentle. The odd mouse that dies must be through shock, he just wants to play with them. Which is ok, until he lets one get away and it takes shelter under the gas fire. Kitty wasn't so popular when I had to dismantle the fire to free the mouse. :evil:

Unlike our first cat who would tackle anything smaller than himself. A headless bird on the bed wasn't unusual.
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Supposed to be working this afternoon but with teachers on strike, there will be nobody to accompany the little darlings to my place. Session is already paid for and no refunds so another paid day off for me…..hopefully! :giggle:
Starting a computer course covering excel word and PowerPoint.
Six weeks of it every Tuesday
Supposed to be working this afternoon but with teachers on strike, there will be nobody to accompany the little darlings to my place. Session is already paid for and no refunds so another paid day off for me…..hopefully! :giggle:

"Orverlooked"? And she's the deputy head!

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Been having a clearout of my tech drawers. I have an original mint first gen iPhone, an iPhone 4, an iPhone 5, an iPhone SE, an iPhone 6s, a first gen iPad 3G and an iPad Air 6th gen. That’s in addition to my current iPhone SE 2nd gen and an iPad Pro. Going to keep the original iPhone and use the ipad 3G in work, the 4 and 5 aren’t worth selling, going to sell the SE, IP6s and ipad Air. Just cluttering up the place - don’t know why I kept them. I’ll be lucky if I get much selling them but better than chucking them out or worse still, keeping them! Might do someone a turn.

Bumped into a chap after the dogs dragged me into t'pub during early doors.

This is the chap who asked me a few weeks ago if I knew of a good plumber to refit a shower unit. . . . The feedback from my plumber of choice is that after a very short telephone conversation he would not be doing business with such a pratt . . . . . "How much did you quote him"? I asked, "about £40 plus cost of shower unit, I thought of it as a bit of a favour to you".

Turns out this chap thinks £40 to fit a shower head is an absolute abomination & the very epitome of bad capitalism & any mere plumber wanting to charge such a sum should be shot through the neck at dawn & his family charged with the cost of the bullet.

It turns out this chap bought a shower unit off ebay which was £10 cheaper than the very same one in Screwfix, not knowing that the ones that are £10 cheaper on ebay are usually the faulty ones that have been returned to Screwfix & sold on pallets for spare parts for £1 each. He has then attempted to fit it himself, which should be really easy given it looks very similar to his old one . . . . . Then he got himself a real plumber off of 'Trusted Trader' or some such similar website that I may have failed to hear correctly, who billed him £650 to supply & fit a shower unit.

We're lucky that he's very gentle. The odd mouse that dies must be through shock, he just wants to play with them. Which is ok, until he lets one get away and it takes shelter under the gas fire. Kitty wasn't so popular when I had to dismantle the fire to free the mouse. :evil:

Unlike our first cat who would tackle anything smaller than himself. A headless bird on the bed wasn't unusual.
If i'd ever found a headless bird on the bed i would've freaked out! One of ours once left a half eaten rat under my bike, which really puts you off breakfast of a morning. Another turned up on the window sill wanting to be let in but was flatly refused due to the dead bird clamped between its jaw. Cats! they look so cute n' furry but they have a streak of pure demon.
Cats! they look so cute n' furry but they have a streak of pure demon.
The sister in law used to live near a pond. One day her cat tried to come through the cat flap backwards dragging a rather noisy duck behind him! She managed to get the cat to let go and the duck escaped back to the pond.
By that measure, nothing in our rivers, lakes and seas is fresh....
Been having a clearout of my tech drawers. I have an original mint first gen iPhone, an iPhone 4, an iPhone 5, an iPhone SE, an iPhone 6s, a first gen iPad 3G and an iPad Air 6th gen. That’s in addition to my current iPhone SE 2nd gen and an iPad Pro. Going to keep the original iPhone and use the ipad 3G in work, the 4 and 5 aren’t worth selling, going to sell the SE, IP6s and ipad Air. Just cluttering up the place - don’t know why I kept them. I’ll be lucky if I get much selling them but better than chucking them out or worse still, keeping them! Might do someone a turn.

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You don't have any nieces, nephews, grandkids or donate to a local charity.

I am down to an Ipad, 2 laptops, 2 PCs, 2 phones.
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