What have you been doing today?

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Went over the allotment. Did a bit more tidying up, watered the seedlings in the greenhouse and planted some new potatoes in pots. Installed my mini-pond to attract some wildlife to the plot. Frogs and toads hopefully.
Went over the allotment. Did a bit more tidying up, watered the seedlings in the greenhouse and planted some new potatoes in pots. Installed my mini-pond to attract some wildlife to the plot. Frogs and toads hopefully.

I've got a big 100 gallon tank coming out of a job. Would see you through the summer with water.

Great nick.
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I've got a big 100 gallon tank coming out of a job. Would see you through the summer with water.

Great nick.
I have several water butts, one inside and one outside my greenhouse but even in hot weather, that only lasts less than a week if I’m watering the whole plot but we are lucky on our allotment as we have water on tap (or rather in horse troughs) dotted about the allotment. I have one right next to my plot. :giggle:

Putting in their own, extra, separate feeds, for both the fridge, and the fridge/freezer. Plus a separate new 20amp main feed, to pick up the garage consumer unit. All were originally on, or spurred from, the downstairs ring.

Todays task, was to finish off the above - swap the garage consumer unit feed, over to the new supply, plus install a new socket in the utility, to replace a temporary one I fitted more than a decade ago. In the process, I found a rather dusty old biscuit box, stashed behind the utility room kickboard, labelled 'phone chargers', in my late partner's handwriting. Yep, it was filled with old phone chargers - why/how it ended up there, I have absolutely no eye deer.
Had a brisk 25 minute walk along Barcelona promenade this morning. Only on the treadmill at the leisure centre though! Averaged 6mph and a gradient of 6.5. Got my heart rate up to 133. Followed that with a 20 minute steady swim and I was back indoors before 8.00. I felt great afterwards.
Averaged 6mph and a gradient of 6.5. Got my heart rate up to 133.

Are you sure that wasn't in kmh?

Too much to ask that the machine is accurate, but that it is not is also a possibility.

And doing 20 minutes on what is a quite a steep gradient, and only getting to 133 bpm.

For someone who has not mentioned anything above dog walking before, I find the above figures "remarkable", to put it politely :)
For someone who has not mentioned anything above dog walking before, I find the above figures "remarkable", to put it politely :)
Why? When we dog walk, we usually walk at a fair old lick - it’s not just an amble. We always aim to get our heartbeat up and our lungs working. Pink and puffy is what we aim for.
To be fair it takes me nearly an hour to run 6 miles (10km) so it is one hell of a walking pace.

This was my last run at the weekend, which was slowed by having to run up valleys and along a pebble beach.

Had a brisk 25 minute walk along Barcelona promenade this morning. Only on the treadmill at the leisure centre though! Averaged 6mph and a gradient of 6.5. Got my heart rate up to 133. Followed that with a 20 minute steady swim and I was back indoors before 8.00. I felt great afterwards.
sounds like you need a bacon sarnie afterwards
Why? When we dog walk, we usually walk at a fair old lick - it’s not just an amble. We always aim to get our heartbeat up and our lungs working. Pink and puffy is what we aim for.

It's more than a "fair old lick" though, and up quite a steep incline.
Maintained for 20 minutes, by a 18st bloke in his sixties who doesn't exercise.
While only getting your heart up to 133 bpm?

I'm not doubting that you're faithfully recalling the numbers, I just don't reckon they're accurate.

It doesn't add up, is all I'm saying.
Although it doesn’t really matter what the stats are. The fact that mottie’s done it is the main thing (y)

Next time you need to do the walk marginally quicker that last time, and keep improving the pace to the point you’re out of breath :)
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