what would happen if

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
You took a small and equal amount of every element of the periodic table and put them into a beaker at the same time?

(i havnt a clue by the way!)
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Depends on the amount, but firstly some of the heaviest elements (the actinides wouldn't hang around for long, giving you a good dose of gamma radiation, some of the lanthanides would give you a nasty blast of alpha / beta radiation, bromine would make you cough very badly and would give you a very nasty burn if dropped on your skin, chlorine would destroy your lungs helium would make your voice squeaky. But in terms of spectacular reactions, well maybe the choline would give you some fairly spectacular clouds of Phosphorous penta chloride (choking stuff) but I don't reckon it would be that spectacular, now if we added water or a spark, things might be a little different.

Why on earth do you ask anyway ?
just a daft question that popped into my head! surely something must happen if they were all mixed together at the same time. Id like to see the faces of some science teachers if you asked that one!
What would the world be like if there were no hypothetical questions?
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wouldnt have thought so, since all the gases will float away :LOL:
I was thinking you'd have to inject them into a container that was just big enough to hold them all, in a vacuum.

But what could you make the container of?
And what would happen when you injected the Fluorine?
I would think that certain elemental mixes might create some interesting and potentially very hazardous reactions either directly or indirectly via catalytic reactions..after all Phosphur and air do not mix very well at all..and Oxygen has a nasty habit of creating some vary dangerous reactions...

However chemistry is not something I am too up on so I am unsure of what the likely effects would be, but as Eddie said earlier, the Actinide and Lanthanide series would be a problematic hazard for sure...
IIRC, phosphourous and sodium react very violently with water (hydrogen and oxygen), even in small quantities. I remember chemistry demonstrations very well. ;)
Looks like Thermo's after this in a christmas stocking.... ;)

Thermo said:
You took a small and equal amount of every element of the periodic table and put them into a beaker at the same time?
1. In what order?
2. At what temperature (to start with)?
Hello Thermo
This periodic table you have, obviously has heating elements or the like in it and we need to know the loadings of these in amps/watts before we can advise on the breaker (mcb).. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
On a more serious note regarding your question, sorry but I dont know.

Hope this helps
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