wrong price

14 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
Called in a garage to fill my van up today, advertised on the bill board 108.9 a litre. I'm halfway through filling up, and I realise the price at the pump is 111.9!
surely that's trade description's or something someone more knowledgeable than me may know? :mad:
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Im sure if you kicked up enough fuss they'd refund you the 60p!
more like £3 on a full tank, make no bones about it, £3 wont break me, but PRINCIPAL is what I'm getting at here, as motorists are all ready fleeced on the price of fuel, its shocking, how many other motorists have gone there and though it was 3p a litre cheaper than it really was?, and not seen the price at the pump?
The figures go so fast that your concentrating on trying to stop the pump on the nearest pound, eg £30
They probably have had a lot more trade than if they displayed the real price.
Deceitful in my opinion
Were you filling up with the exact same fuel as advertised on the bill board? Quite often they display the price on the bill board for the regular fuel only, other fuels i.e. ultimate costing more at the pump.
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diesel,The diesel on billboard 108.9, I felt like picking up a couple of pies or something and walking out lol
I know that in retail shops, it used to be that if the price displayed was higher the seller had to sell at the correct, lower price.

Not now, though. But I did buy som tuna in the co-op (lisnin', Steve??) that was more expensive than the SEL stated, and the guy refunded.

You could do worse than to go back & ask for a refund. It is the principle, not the money, I agree.

Nevertheless, it's worth an ask.
A retailer doesn't have to sell goods at a lower price providing the mistake is genuine, for example a customer picks up a price ticket for £1.99 and leaves it in front of a £500 TV another customer then sees this "bargain" and demands it for £1.99, this would be deemed as a genuine mistake and the retailer would not be liable. Most retailers have a policy of honouring wrongly priced items due to price increases/offer price ending as an act of goodwill.

However a petrol station only sells two or three different types of fuel and cannot really argue that it is a genuine mistake (how long to price check, a couple of seconds) so they would be leaving themselves open to a charge of misleading practice. Also this price is advertised on a big illuminated sign (generally) and is often the basis of the decision to buy for a cost concious motorist.

I would go get your money back and if they are still doing it threaten to report them to your local fair trading guys.
caveat emptor.

should have checked the price on the pumps!
Now would that be a Shell station?

Look at the pumps.. some are 'normal' diesel @ 109. and some are SUPER V or some such rocket fuel. That's the 111.9 stuff.
Nearly got caught meself.

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