42 Today...

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I'm not :cry: about being 42, I'm extremely :LOL: .

Another year gone & I'm still breathing!!

Here's to many more!

Happy birthday to anyone else with a birthday in August.
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Happy birthday big fella.

Dont be down, im a year behind you and as happy as.

:D :D :D :D

Happy birthday SS, Happy birthday SS happy birthday SS happy bithrhday to you.

:LOL: ;)
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Happy Birthday.

Better to get old than the alternative ;)
yes, happy birthday. I only wish i was that age again.

bit late to tell us now though?
Not meaning to put a downer on the conversation and happy birthday bye the way but this has just reminded me that I had my first stroke when I was 42 I was as fit as a fiddle or so I thought, so as long as you have got your health sod the age just be happy you're still here and enjoying it, I am and I am now 56 and still going strong cant work the way I used to but I still manage to do a bit and I still enjoy life so sod the age just be happy
this has just reminded me that I had my first stroke when I was 42

...and on that note, enjoy your meat free, salt free birthday celebration barbecue, followed by low fat organic yogurt for pudding and washed down with half a shandy.

Happy birthday SS! :D
Not a chance Aberdeen angus steak chips mushrooms and jacket potato with sour cream Nice bottle of red wine And a couple of good single malts to wash it down save the low fat **** for another day
PB roll & fruit for lunch: went to NRM in York.

Pizza Hut for dinner. Bit naughty!
Happy birthday.
Remember your only as old as you feel, so keep your hands in your pocket and the misses may let you see 43.
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