Who is ban-all-sheds?

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I am ban-all-sheds.
Oh no you are not, "I" am ban-all-sheds!! (Can you see where this is going lol)
I think I can safely stay out of pantomime mode, because I don't think I could possibly be him - I haven't really got enough time to write all the posts I do under my own name, let alone at least as many again as him :)

Happy New Year to all!

Kind Regards, John.
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Some clues for those with the time and inclination to do research.

This was the thread which resulted when BAS 'left' the IET Forum (alias nonsparky).


It seems that he then spent some time on the ScrewFix electricians' forum before suddenly leaving and shortly after that, turned up here again.
Blimey - my very own Internet stalker - I'm touched and flattered that you care so much.

I don't remember exactly, but someone remarked at the time that they were surprised to see him here again as he'd 'sworn never to return', or something similar.
I did, after some pretty contemptible (even by their appalling standards) treatment by the mods.

Then quite some time later I needed to ask a question, and it seemed only reasonable to provide some give-back, and I just ended up staying.

But I stay out of the GD cesspit, where the moderators and site admin conspire to degrade the site by allowing a disgusting collection of sub-human murderous thugs and racists to falsely believe that their views don't actually make them scum.
I'm also astonished at his prodigious output; around 35,000 posts in eight years, or 12 per day!
.... and I should at least have thanked you for singling out BAS - with nearly 4,000 posts in 11 months (about 11/day), I'm not far behind him :)
I guess it depends how quickly you can think and type - this post, for example, took me about 1 minute to do from start to finish.
works for a plc..does f all.involved in qa..he left here didnt he..then came back..think he got realy bored at work
I guess it depends how quickly you can think and type - this post, for example, took me about 1 minute to do from start to finish.
As is also quite often true of you, one I thing I tend not to be known for is brevity :)

Happy New Year!

Kind Regards, John.
But I stay out of the GD cesspit, where the moderators and site admin conspire to degrade the site by allowing a disgusting collection of sub-human murderous thugs and racists to falsely believe that their views don't actually make them scum.
Hmmm ... does the 'Season of Goodwill' not extend beyond Christmas, at least up to and including New Year's Eve?:)

Kind Regards, John.
Blimey - my very own Internet stalker - I'm touched and flattered that you care so much.

Nah, you flatter yourself, that took about one minute of my time to find out. About the same time you apparently spent on each of your 35,000 posts.
An interesting (or maybe not) fact is that hyphens are not allowed when generating diynot user names. Mmm...
OK, so they changed the rules? Or YOU are the other diynot boss... Mmm...

OK, they changed the rules. I wish they hadn't.

Detlef Schmitz
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