Unemployment keeps on rising.

But cheap labour doesn't pay tax - so who pays the benefits for the unemployed?

The squeezed middle.

There aren't enough of them - we borrow.

Yes, that as well.

We know it's madness. If they were honest, they would admit it's madness. It's all about the short term. Tough decisions will be put off, hopefully for someone else to sort out. The day of reckoning is getting closer though.
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But just like over-borrowing on a credit card there comes a time when that debt is not sustainable - like in Greece. So it HAS to stop. it simply CANNOT continue. So why not face up to it today? Get out of Europe, stop immigration, get the young trained and employed. Why is that so dumb an idea?
The unemployed people round our way, all seem to have the top of the range TV's, Smartphones, Laptops and Computers. They all have a better car than I can afford. They seem to be able to spend endless hours in the local, drinking pints. I work for my money and can only afford to go to darts on Tuesday evenings and out to the club/pub once at the weekend.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
I was on the dole last year, and couldn't even afford to go to the local, once in 3 months.

how do you know they are on benefits ;)

putting housing to one side a 21-65 year old single person[as an example] gets £71 a week to feed cloth pay the gas electric water phone tv and any other bills plus replace any household goods and buy household products and have a wail off a time on the change :D :D
We have over a million young unemployed.

But cheap labour doesn't pay tax - so who pays the benefits for the unemployed? No-one - that's where the eternal borrowing comes in - it is economic madness.

So what company's are going to price themselves out of business by overpaying employee's.Cheaper to let the state keep them.
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Do you think for a moment that that economic model is sustainable? Or economic suicide?
Doesn't matter one iota what I think,I've been in employment for nigh on 40 yrs,I have seen numerous chancellors come and go,labour are the spend spend spend party,the Tories are the cut cut and then cut again lot and never the twain shall meet.The tories constantly berate labour for its over borrowing and easy money but yet go on a spending spree of their own with QE. :rolleyes:
So the outcome will be? Well what will it be?
but yet go on a spending spree of their own with QE

Quantitive Easing I think you mean. A spending spree by the tories?
Haardly I would have thought.
Labour initiated this method back in 2009 to try and stimulate growth and boost activity in the economy.
Isn't it imperative that this money gets to the high streets?
Thats what Alistar Darling said.
Are the banks lending? Is the dosh getting to the high streets?
The unemployed people round our way, all seem to have the top of the range TV's, Smartphones, Laptops and Computers. They all have a better car than I can afford. They seem to be able to spend endless hours in the local, drinking pints. I work for my money and can only afford to go to darts on Tuesday evenings and out to the club/pub once at the weekend.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
I was on the dole last year, and couldn't even afford to go to the local, once in 3 months.

how do you know they are on benefits ;)

putting housing to one side a 21-65 year old single person[as an example] gets £71 a week to feed cloth pay the gas electric water phone tv and any other bills plus replace any household goods and buy household products and have a wail off a time on the change :D :D

Oh I know they are on benefits BA. Some of them even brag about it. One chap comes in holding a walking stick, which is immediately put on a shelf as soon as he's through the door. He claims he can't walk more than a few yards without it, but miraculously manages to walk unaided to the bar all night., until it's time to go home. (and if that's late enough, he manages the half mile walk home without it)
I said credible.

Shoot the migrant workers that are already here. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The migrant workers are here to stay.
Farm I'm working on at the moment has a Polish guy. 53 years old and spent most of his life 300m down a coal mine shaft.
It's a dirty job he does around the farm but he loves it.
Farmer told me local guys turn their noses up at the same job.
Problem is though, these Polish, and Eastern Europeans, come over here and claim to be qualified, or they've worked in whatever line of job they are offered. They don't do a particularly good job, but the employers are happy, because they ain't paying them full wack.
Last company I worked for, there was a Polish guy who claimed he was a qualified plasterer. He floated an office wall at work with drywall adhesive :eek: then when it had gone off for a few days, sanded the wall flat with an orbital sander. :eek: :eek:

Present company I work for , set on a Lithuanian, as a cook. (remember I work in a care home now, so this chap is cooking for up to 30+ residents) He didn't know that carrots have to be peeled and sliced before boiling. Didn't know how to make,, porridge,,, custard,, stew, mashed potato. When asked to make chips, he didn't know how to, (he thought we'd use frozen ones) (we don't)
Yet he claimed to have worked in restaurants , all over Europe (perhaps he did, but probably as the pot washer or as a waiter) Almost certainly, he isn't a cook/chef, but what the hey, we can't do anything now until his trial period is up.
I have to agree with Joe. Stopping EU immigration into this country would be a great start. Unemployment is supposedly set to rise, so we obviously don't need this cheap source of labour,, do we?
Oh I know they are on benefits BA. Some of them even brag about it. One chap comes in holding a walking stick, which is immediately put on a shelf as soon as he's through the door. He claims he can't walk more than a few yards without it, but miraculously manages to walk unaided to the bar all night., until it's time to go home. (and if that's late enough, he manages the half mile walk home without it)

i think a lot off the problem was in somthing like the 80s to reduce the unemployment statistics the government moved the goal posts just before an election to reduce the unemployment statistics and made it easier to claim disability benefit with the results off lower unemployed
Personally BA, I don't think any government for the last 15 yrs , has truly known how many unemployed there are in this country. But as both Joe and myself have said, if they want to reduce unemployment, they really have to do something about the EU migrant workers flocking to this country. Otherwise, our youngsters stand no chance in the present economic climate.
I know from personal experience , in the early 90's I was unemployed for about 4 months, and turned up to sign on with a heavy cold. The advisor told me to go to the doctors and get a sick note. I'd still get the same amount of money whilst sick, but it wouldn't show on unemployment figures. F****n unbelievable, how they try to massage figures
all parties manipulate the figures
as an example they will quote no one will have been unemployed for more than six months

well yes that may be true as the next line is "they have found a job or are in training

a job means anything from 2 week job placement a temporary job for a few weeks a part time job with zero hours up to a full time job
training can mean 2 weeks voluntary work college course ect
a 2 week placement can count as 20odd people in jobs as the same "job" gets recycled every 2 weeks

they always lump things together a difficult target lumped together with an easy to reach target to allow you to place the enfaces where you want it
another example is the amount spent on transport you can say the amount has increased by 50% where as the actual amount in the area they are talking about has been greatly reduced :eek: :eek:
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