Under age marriage

25 Jan 2017
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United Kingdom
I see **** end was concerned about 3 under-age migrant brides:


He has no concern for over 200,000 child brides in USA over a five year period. Proof again that his real motive is to propagate his hatred for refugees/migrants.

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15 years. not 5, but I guess the difference is, it’s legal (or can be ) there
15 years. not 5, but I guess the difference is, it’s legal (or can be ) there
Talk about a ridiculous exaggeration:



**** end was concerned about a refugee 14 year old bride, whereas Blightymam pointed out that it is legal to be married in parts of USA at 13 years old, and some are, over 200,000 under 16 year olds in a five year period!
Proof that **** end selects news items that help him to propagate his hatred of foreigners.
Other sources are saying 200,000 in a 15 year period and its at the discretion of the court, for specific situations. e.g. pregnancy. I'm not saying its right. Just the quote is wrong. Its not that dissimilar to the UK being 18 or 16 with parental consent. You can join the army at 16, ride a moped in france at 14, drive a car at 16 in the US or 14 1/2 in some states.

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Other sources are saying 200,000 in a 15 year period and its at the discretion of the court, for specific situations. e.g. pregnancy. I'm not saying its right. Just the quote is wrong. Its not that dissimilar to the UK being 18 or 16 with parental consent. You can join the army at 16, ride a moped in france at 14, drive a car at 16 in the US or 14 1/2 in some states.

Sorry, yes you are right, it is a 15 year period.
But the point of the post is that **** end brought the forum's attention to 3 refugee under-age brides that were giving Germany a problem, re. under age marriage. The youngest one was 14 years old.
BUT (a big but) there have been an average of over 13,000 child brides each year for a fifteen year period in USA of children as young as 13, and probably younger, and is probably continuing apace. However **** end conveniently ignored this because it did not fit with his motives of propagating hatred for certain foreigners.
What is more, **** end also brought the forum's attention to the out-dated law that allowed a rapist to marry his victim in a middle East country, whereas, not only is it legal, but it happens to girls as young as 11 years old in USA! **** end chose to ignore this!

The post was not about different countries having different ages of consent. The post was about **** end selecting news items that fit his agenda while conveniently ignoring those that do not!
Blah, blah, wrong again, blah but... :sleep:
I have the humility to accept when I am wrong, and apologise for my error.
It did not affect the intention of the post.

**** end was concerned about 3 under age refugee brides, one of whom was 14 years old.
He conveniently ignores the over 200,000 under age brides in the USA over a 15 year period, because it does not meet his agenda of stirring up hatred against certain foreigners.
The time line of 15 years for the under age brides in USA is, in reality, much worse than the five years that I initially and mistakenly reported, because it has been, and continues, for that much longer.
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1/2 the states in the US have NO minimum age for marriage so that makes child rape legal their. Also child abuse is reported at the rate of 1 child every 5 hours.
Unless you are a child.
This does smell a bit like a killed and seriously injured stat. It’s quite possibly an incompatible data set.

I wonder how many under 15s there are within the 0.5% of kids in the age range who are married. It’s possible that 90% are 16-18.

I’d also filter any where both “bride” and “groom” were a similar age.

Sanctioning the marriage of two stupid 16 year olds isn’t the same as marrying off a 15yo to a 40yo pedo
Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old in the 60's , he had to cut short a U.K tour due to the scandal over the affair.

Blimey I did not know the he was a follower of Islam ?? :sneaky::sneaky:
Yep way har bee is on the ball on this caper. Lucky you are about way har bee and pointed out my error's ;) and long may it continue ;)

Blimey I cannot thank u enough tbh :)
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