Death of democracy

Absolute garbage.
When the people voted to join the eu there wasn't a period of time set to "see what it actually means" and "if we don't like it parliament or the law can overturn the will of the people".

The people voted out in a referendum.
So yes ...if it doesn't happen then democracy is indeed dead in this country.
It seems like 'the people' didn't really know what they were doing. Thank goodness we have people in power that do.
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The high court rulling has got nowt to do with over turning the referendum result.

It cannot do that :)

Neither can or should I say will parliament over turn the result ;)
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Now these same people are lamenting because the High Court is upholding the law.

Of course, should the Supreme Court reverse this decision then...
That begs the question "How can it be appealed?".

This should not happen, should it? - as, presumably, the High Court ruling is based on a legislative fact somewhere - unlike criminal cases based on actual judgement.
The high court ruling is for MP's or Parliament to be consulted over the terms of the Brexit negotiations

It is not a ruling that allows MP's to over turn the vote

Agreed the time table i.e article 50 which was to be triggered in march has been set back , but there will be brexit none the less

Hard or soft remains to be seen as does the possible date of invoking article what ever
The majority voted to leave , 17 million odd, why should 3 elitist judges say otherwise?

Because it has always been an advisory referendum and it has always been the case that the next stage in the process is that parliament need to vote.

It's just that some people think it's up to one person to make that decision.
It says Parliament must vote on it, so - if they vote against ...

Against what ? the democratic will of the people ?

A legal referendum ? covered by an act of parliament ? all they can do is stall the process , that is all.

IMHo this high court caper may be a good thing

We can now see how democratic our M.P's are

after all they are there to protect democracy ?? :) lets see how many of them actually believe in democracy ? practice what they preach

Those MP's who were remainers are now between a rock & a hard place , they have got a problem

Interesting times ahead :LOL:
Its a poisoned chalice to the remainer MP's

pontificate to the world about democracy :LOL: now they have the power to vote it out & ignore it :LOL:

Will they ????
Look at the creatures hobbling around her.

She's being used as a 'front'. I put money on it.

Was the referendum "advisory" so that it could be ignored if necessary, but if that was the case, why did Cameron resign when it went against him; or didn't he have the courage to admit that MPs don't believe in democracy.

And even if it was only "advisory" what was the point of having it if not to find out what people wanted parliament to do.

Up till now, I was under the impression that Theresa May was delaying invoking article so that she could get her negotiating team in place, but it's possible that she was hoping that someone would make a legal challenge before she did so.

The pound dropping and our increase in GDP has show that currencies need to be flexible, and that's why the Eurozone is stagnating, so anyone that says that we need to stay in the EU to be successful, doesn't really know what they are doing. The EU's going to fail, and if the MPs get a vote on brexit, and keep us in, then we're doomed.

Remember the referendum had NO legal effect. It was merely advisory. Also remember the majority was only 2%.

Every system has to have some way to decide an outcome. A runner doesn't have to win by a certain margin, just to get ahead of the others by the end of the race, just because there was only a 2% majority, doesn't make the result any less valid; both sides put their arguments in as strong a manner as possible (albeit with all the lies thrown around as well) and then the votes were cast. Those who couldn't vote can't be considered, and those who didn't bother to vote obviously weren't worried whichever way it went, so why keep bringing them into the equation. at the end of the day, there more for brexit than remain, and maybe Theresa May knew that most MPs couldn't be trusted to follow the will of the majority that had bothered to vote

We don't live in a dictatorship where one person has that power

In a dictatorship, the person at the top ignores everyone, and tells them what they are going to do; in this case the supposed dictator is only trying to do what the people asked her to. As there were more MPs that wanted to remain, and tried their hardest to ignore the vote, it would seem that democracy may well be dead. For those who harp on about an unelected PM, they should remember that we vote for a party, not for a PM, and I didn't see anyone scream when Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair.

However what does "out" ACTUALLY mean? No one knows

Out means we leave the EUs control, the terms of the deal to extricate ourselves from the control of the EU are as yet unknown, simply because whatever so called "option" we decided to go for, it's also up to the EU to agree the terms of the deal, so what's the point of asking what it "actually means" when it's not really up to us.
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