leader of the free world?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
FT says:

"Donald Trump’s alarming G20 performance

A company would have replaced a CEO with behaviour as erratic as that of the president"

"Since his election, Mr Trump’s rhetoric has rejected the concept of global community, and expressed a strong belief that the US should seek better deals rather than stronger institutions and systems. In the past month and especially after the G20, it has become clear that Mr Trump’s actions will match his rhetoric. The US is now isolated on the question of how to deal with the long run security threat of climate change. It has forced the G20 to back away from previous commitments to rejecting protectionism. And in part because of American attitudes, the G20 was mute on international migration at a time when refugee issues are more serious than at any moment in the past 50 years.

All of this is troubling enough. What many people fear but few are saying is that in the difficult times that come during any term the president’s character will cause him to act dangerously. As biographer Robert Caro has observed, power may or may not corrupt but it always reveals. Mr Trump has yet to experience a period of economic difficulty or any form of international economic crisis. He has not yet had to make a major military decision in time of crisis. Yet his behaviour has been erratic.

The president chose hours before meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin to cast doubt on judgments of the US intelligence community regarding Russia’s interference with the US election.

On the brink of the most important set of international meetings of his presidency so far, he put forward the absurd idea that a main discussion item at the G20 involved Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, making demonstrably false assertions about his role.

It is rare for heads of government to step away from the table during major summits. When it is necessary, their place is normally taken by the foreign minister or another very senior government official. There is no precedent for a head of government’s adult child taking a seat, as was the case when Ivanka Trump took her father’s place at the G20. There is no precedent for good reason. It is insulting to the others present and sends a signal of disempowerment regarding senior officials."


"A corporate chief executive whose public behaviour was as erratic as that of Mr Trump would already have been replaced. The standard for democratically elected officials is appropriately different. But one cannot look at the past months and rule out the possibility of even more aberrant behaviour in the future. The president’s cabinet and his political allies in Congress should never forget that the oaths they swore were not to the defence of the president but to the defence of the constitution."
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:rolleyes: Fake news put out by those who do not like Trump ;)

climate change trump see's it for what it is ;) BS bandied about by Hypocrits
And your evidence is what ? F.T :) fake times ???:idea:

She does not want to :)
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Transam claims this is not true

The president chose hours before meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin to cast doubt on judgments of the US intelligence community regarding Russia’s interference with the US election.

Weird. Where did he get the idea?
Transam claims this is not true

It is rare for heads of government to step away from the table during major summits. When it is necessary, their place is normally taken by the foreign minister or another very senior government official. There is no precedent for a head of government’s adult child taking a seat, as was the case when Ivanka Trump took her father’s place at the G20. There is no precedent for good reason. It is insulting to the others present and sends a signal of disempowerment regarding senior officials."

Weird. Where did he get the idea?
Transam claims this is not true

On the brink of the most important set of international meetings of his presidency so far, he put forward the absurd idea that a main discussion item at the G20 involved Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, making demonstrably false assertions about his role.

Weird. Where did he get the idea?
Transam claims this is not true

The president’s cabinet and his political allies in Congress should never forget that the oaths they swore were not to the defence of the president but to the defence of the constitution."

Weird. Where did he get the idea?
Transam claims this is not true

Weird. Where did he get the idea?

so what ? he did not follow what every one else has done ? what is the relevance ? who cares ?

Why is it important ? who is up-set by it ? who made a complaint ?

some ones opinion ? which does not amount to a bag of beans imho

so some are upset may be , who cares

same heads of government sat down with a bloke who sanctioned murder on the streets of London, sanctions violence against homo sexuals

fiddles his elections ,locks up those who voice descent , annexed the Crimea , shot down a dutch air liner etc etc

get a grip ffs :LOL:
Transam claims this is not true

Weird. Where did he get the idea?
Perhaps Trump felt tht he had managed to speak to everyone that he wanted or needed to speak to and didn't feel the need to waste his time on pointless meetings
All opinions & here say

who cares , why would he want to talk to a bunch of dead beats that have briefed against him , do not like him.

they probably spent most of the meeting trying to look up his daughters skirt :) or having sexual thoughts about her :)

bet most of em had a h*** on during the meeting :LOL: hence why nothing got sorted ,lack of concentration :)

After all they usually have to speak to Merkel & no neither would I ;)

neither would Berlisconi which she over heard him say during one meeting a while back :LOL:
Looking forward to seeing your evidence disproving any of it.

I won't hold my breath.

You can ask your daughter to reply if you want.

I had sex with a pink alien last night that had 15 fannies. I want you to provide me evidence disproving it happened.

I won't hold my breath

First they claim "not true, not true. Fake news". Then they say "so what who cares". Typical RWR fascist behaviour. Horrible human beings.
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