Is immigration good or bad ?

Thats because he is a bigot :)

Oh, and a troll :mrgreen:

If youconsider yourself to be so superior, you clearly have nothing to gain here, go and find a different forum.

There is probably a expat Venezuelan forum you could join :ROFLMAO:
I see notch is offering his intellectual, well-thought out comments again. :rolleyes:
Like this one:

You need to look at the map, boyo.
How far do think these BOT are from the EU,
Say the first on the list Anguilla?
How far is Anguilla from the EU? How will Brexit affect Anguilla?

Then we can look at the rest of the BOT on the list for other reasons, say how much aid they currently receive from the EU, how freedom of movement affects them, how the potential loss of trade with the EU will affect them, etc.
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I see the anti-foreigner RWRs are pretending they do not know about the limits which the EU specifies, and which the UK government couldn't be bothered to carry out.

Tell me, Notch, who is to blame for the failure of the UK government to follow EU standards?

Yes JohnD please do point me to the limits which the Eu specifies. (n) and would allow......

Cameron tried negotiating a brake, which is in theory built into Article 45TFEU, (re: grounds of public policy)

His plan for an emergency brake on numbers ran into a brick wall. “No way. Never,” Merkel is said to have told the then British prime minister at a bilateral meeting in October 2014. “I would never agree to it, you can’t have numerical limits.”

Merkel’s opposition to ending free movement for Britain never wavered. After the referendum result, she was one of the first European leaders to insist the EU’s four freedoms were indivisible, meaning Britain had to accept them all (goods, services, capital and people) or quit the single market.

While you are at it, why not explain why the labour government at the time did not impose the enlargement transitional provisions that most other EU countries did.
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As many as we need to fill the job vacancies that UK citizens refuse to fill.
I concur. Although I am also happy to see the potential candidates for skilled jobs as being in the hundreds of millions rather than the tens of millions.
Also, I firmly believe that the 'market' has far more influence on how many people want to come, temporarily or permanently, work or live, than do government policies.
For instance, look at the recent massive decline in those wanting to come, or those already here and wanting to remain here since the referendum.
There have been no change in government policies, but there has been a palpable decrease in migration form the EU, (although not from non-EU)
It is reasonable to assume that there are two main influences:
the vast reduction in the value of the GBP, and the rise in far-right xenophobic propaganda, not to mention actual attacks and abuse.

So it is reasonable to argue that market forces determine the level of migration.
I see notch is offering his intellectual, well-thought out comments again. :rolleyes:
and this one:
Are You telling me the Penguins are being replaced by Polish on the Falkland islands
Wot a Numpty :ROFLMAO:
What is more, notch imagines something has happened, which it has not, and resorts to insults against another for that imaginary occurrence.
It shows the intellectual capacity of a troll.
And he has the audacity to ask why no-one wants to debate with him. :rolleyes:

The full comment, that notch so ineptly cut:
Then we can look at the rest of the BOT on the list for other reasons, say how much aid they currently receive from the EU, how freedom of movement affects them, how the potential loss of trade with the EU will affect them, etc.
You havent answered.

Do you want free movement of people or not?
Of course. All the UK government need do is implement their own restrictions.
I don't make the EU rules. If you want free trade you need to obey the rules that go with it.
All we need is a government with a back bone.
I concur. Although I am also happy to see the potential candidates for skilled jobs as being in the hundreds of millions rather than the tens of millions.
Also, I firmly believe that the 'market' has far more influence on how many people want to come, temporarily or permanently, work or live, than do government policies.
For instance, look at the recent massive decline in those wanting to come, or those already here and wanting to remain here since the referendum.
There have been no change in government policies, but there has been a palpable decrease in migration form the EU, (although not from non-EU)
It is reasonable to assume that there are two main influences:
the vast reduction in the value of the GBP, and the rise in far-right xenophobic propaganda, not to mention actual attacks and abuse.

So it is reasonable to argue that market forces determine the level of migration.

Only 81.2% if EU nationals in the UK are employed. This is a greater figure that UK nationals however it's a much smaller amount of the overall population.

The current rate of unemployment in the UK stands at 4.4%

Are you sure we really need more inward migration to fill jobs?

My statement won't account for job type but I'm confident in saying empty doctor and nurse position wouldn't remain so for long.
The government and businesses seem to think so yes.
Personally, I have no idea other than what I have read.

So if that's the case we have to look beyond the numbers and to the reasons why.

I have a few ideas of my own but what would I know; wouldn't want to share them at risk of being a target of insults. I recall something being mentioned about apes?
.. I am also happy to see the potential candidates for skilled jobs as being in the hundreds of millions rather than the tens of millions.

Housebuilding needs to increase exponentially then :)
Notch demonstrates yet again that he is incapable of understanding simple comments.
The word "potential" is very different from the word "successful".:rolleyes:
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