The moral maze

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
I listen to it on the radio they have been on about this Saudi caper

Leaving thT to one side a question that came up was

" Would you kill a child to cure cancer " ???
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I listen to it on the radio they have been on about this Saudi caper

Leaving thT to one side a question that came up was

" Would you kill a child to cure cancer " ???
we need the full defenition they are refering to as in what stage they call an egg or embrio a child ??
some say the morning after intercourse you may have a fertalised egg and possibly at that point you have a child ??
in your defenition at what stage are they talking about??
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What's the context?

The obvious answer is no, but there must be more to it!
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Dunno ? They just posed that question I assumed ? That the child was a born child not an embryo or a foetus ???

The cure cancer bit was to cure all cancers which would save the lives of millions ? Of children?
The programme was to do with with this Saudi embassy bussiness

Should the west cut off relations with em ? Stop arms sales ect ?

On moral grounds ? Yet we ? We're allied to Joe Stalin in WW2

One of the biggest mass murderes of the last. Century ???
The following question would be "would you kill a hundred people to make the trains run on time?" "would you imprison a thousand plumbers to prevent one cowboy install" or something similar.

Thus bracketing in on the point at which you think one death balances one benefit, and how big the benefit needs to be to give a satisfactory balance. The intention is usually to show that you have no absolute moral imperative. It can be refined by graduating the genetic affinity you have with the victims.

States which like to use torture (such as the USA) like to ask "would you torture one terrorist to prevent a bomb exploding and killing hundreds" but they are never able to show an example where this has been done.
Or if some one went into a catholic
Confession box and stated that they had planted a bomb some where what would the preist do ?
The following question would be "would you kill a hundred people to make the trains run on time?" "would you imprison a thousand plumbers to prevent one cowboy install" or something similar.

Thus bracketing in on the point at which you think one death balances one benefit, and how big the benefit needs to be to give a satisfactory balance. The intention is usually to show that you have no absolute moral imperative. It can be refined by graduating the genetic affinity you have with the victims.

States which like to use torture (such as the USA) like to ask "would you torture one terrorist to prevent a bomb exploding and killing hundreds" but they are never able to show an example where this has been done.

Does not mean that an example does not exist ? Or it has never happened ?

Think u need to stick to the example of saving life not cowboy installs and trains
If it saves a great many lives then:
Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Spock 1982.

There must be a particularly little berstaward of a child somewhere we can top off, that horrid boy that lives next door who causes misery wherever he goes. :)
OR perhaps a child with cancer - now there's 2 for 1.
Yay! no more cancer.
I listen to it on the radio they have been on about this Saudi caper

Leaving thT to one side a question that came up was

" Would you kill a child to cure cancer " ???
Would you kill your child to save the other,kill half the world to save the other half,infect half the world with aids to find a cure to save the other half,,,fûk nose.
Half the world cannot do the most basic things in life,let alone Think of morals.
It is just a question of how low your morals are, or how you consider yourself better than others, to even consider such justifications.
Another equal question:

Would you assassinate President Trump to prevent 100 million people dying from drowning, disease and famine as a result of man-made climate change?
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