trump clamps down

And what should the police do if violent protesters resist arrest,
Use reasonable/appropriate force as they are trained to do. Let's face it, the police will be armed, have batons, shields, helmets, loads of colleagues, training etc.
If they can't arrest folk without murdering them, then they need to get another job.
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Use reasonable/appropriate force as they are trained to do. Let's face it, the police will be armed, have batons, shields, helmets, loads of colleagues, training etc.
If they can't arrest folk without murdering them, then they need to get another job.

You could start watching now and still not be out of content of US officers being less than sensible.
The US is polarizing and Trump instead of repairing this fracture is trying to wedge it further open.

You could start watching now and still not be out of content of US officers being less than sensible.

So what... you cross the police in the US you get spanked good, how it should be everywhere.

Have you seen the jokes made about our Police no doubt you've seen the classic scene where 1 guy is being chased by about 20 british police all with crappy tasers and truncheons.
Im not saying US states are doing it right but its not just the Police here its the underlying sentiment and levels the public are willing to rebel or break the law too. Time and time over i hear from US people if you don't break the law you have nothing to worry about.
No i don't go to demonstrations and if i was and was told to disperse or get back then i would comply or expect reasonable force, or you then see the police get nasty or the rioters advance to the next level simples. The video of the guys being smashed has been shown on tictoc etc 1000's commenting they were known offenders who stole that car and were looting(im not saying that's defacto as i haven't seen any official comment on this footage)

Don't mess with the police as they are our last line of defence before anarchy. Do you not realise? We must respect that whilst the bad apples need and absolutely must be held to account don't tar them all with the same brush. Which is ironcially what BLM is all about it seems.
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I see vinty is evading my point about Trump's hatred of peaceful protest.
Maybe i evaded your point because it was irrelevant and the fact that you have no evidence that Trump hates peaceful protest.

You could start watching now and still not be out of content of US officers being less than sensible.
Not much to see there, Policemen doing their job.
Noticed that in one video, the bloke in the car who was accidentally shot by police was white.
No that's you injecting hate into your rhetoric buffoon JohnD. Dont you see it :LOL:

Please quote where Trump says hate or is inciting Hatred. Honestly you're so messed up its you have a job or just sit at that key board ranting all day.

If i was pm and people in this country and each time we sang the national anthem people of public influence made offensive or inappropriate gestures I would be having a word and asking them to refrain. They are not welcome when we are 'trying to form a cohesive society' this is the same issue claiming Black lives matter. Whilst I 100% support them routing all racist or serial offending cops from the forces blm creates exclusivity we should be fighting protect everyone from brutality as it seems from evidence all colours are being killed too albeit lesser proportionally I know.
I condemn the death of Mr. Floyd. These black teenagers should be grateful they are living in civilized 1st world countries where police and justice system are fair. Police from the African countries where their parents came from are anything but professional. They are brutal, lean towards financial payoffs, turn a blind eye if crime is commited by members of the ruling party and will not hesitate to kill and make people disappear.
offensive or inappropriate gestures

please give me an example of an offensive or inappropriate gesture that Trump dislikes.

Would it be saying "grab them by the pussy?" or would it be impersonating the awkward gestures of a man suffering from cerebral palsy? Would it be saying that a veteran soldier who was a prisoner of war is not a hero because he was captured?
These black teenagers should be grateful they are living in civilized 1st world countries where police and justice system are fair. Police from the African countries where their parents came from.

You realise that those "black teenagers" probably have family ties back to slave capture in the 1800's which means they have ties to the USA older than say, Irish famine survivors (who happen to be white) or the later European immigration of the 1880's and 1900's?

Jesus H! It's such an ignorant statement!!
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