Why is Boris a compulsive liar?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Johnson lies continually to help himself.

But on Tuesday he appeared to have taken his lying to a new, worrying level – he now seemed to be lying just for the hell of it. When commenting on the government’s latest U-turn in agreeing to provide free school meals for vulnerable kids during the summer after the footballer’s impressive campaign, the prime minister said: “I talked to Marcus Rashford today and congratulated him on his campaign which to be honest I only became aware of, recent … erm, today.”

Only the previous day Downing Street had issued a statement confirming that the school-meal voucher scheme would end when the school term ends, despite Rashford’s campaign. The prime minister’s official spokesman praised the Manchester United and England striker for “using his profile in a positive way to highlight some very important issues” before stating: “The PM understands the issues facing families across the UK, which is why last week the government announced an additional £63m for local authorities to benefit families who are struggling to afford food and other basic essentials.”

Allowing for the bizarre possibility that the PM’s official spokesman does not actually speak on his behalf, Johnson’s claim would mean that on Monday, he did not read any newspapers, listen to or watch broadcast news, or pay attention to any internal briefings on the matter. This despite the issue gaining widespread attention.

What was so alarming about this lie was its utter pointlessness. More than that, it was self-destructive. Johnson is showing himself in the worst possible light, dispelling any doubts the public may have about his propensity to lie.

As so often, Johnson’s lie was half-baked – he mumbled “recently”, before saying that he had only heard about Rashford’s campaign “today”. It was like watching a particularly bad panelist on the game show Call My Bluff. Actually, it was reminiscent of the time Johnson was asked about what he did to relax, and uhmed and ahed before eventually suggesting that he liked to turn wooden wine crates into model buses. But again that lie had some vague purpose – any self-respecting political leader needs a hobby, even if you have to dream one up on the spot.

But the Rashford lie was in a different league. What could he gain by pretending he knew nothing about the previous day’s biggest news story – one that he was at the very heart of? It didn’t simply make him look incompetent, it made him look mad."

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He is copying - has been tutored to follow - the ways of his orange friend.

"What you see and what you hear is not what is happening."
“I talked to Marcus Rashford today and congratulated him on his campaign which to be honest I only became aware of, recent … erm, today.”

he said that because it plants the seed that "arent this government wonderful -somebody compaigns and they act immediately"

its also a dead cat.....Trump strategy
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"Why is Boris a compulsive liar?"

Why bother asking the question!
According to The Times, Boris Johnson now wants Chris Grayling to chair the Intelligence committee.
You only need to be popular before people vote.

Especially the day before - that's the best time to pump some money in and arrange for hidden supporters to be even more prolific.

CV19 is unusual for politicians. Normally there actions aren't apparent for ages and may even never be.

A well known now retired Tory MP reckons the brexit deal will be an agree to agree even more in the future deal. They have already extended the customs union indefinitely at the moment after a fashion by talking about it being a light touch until CV19 is sorted.
They have already extended the customs union indefinitely at the moment after a fashion by talking about it being a light touch until CV19 is sorted.
It's not an extension to the Customs Union.
It's a unilateral action by UK government to have a light touch on imports.
EU have already stated that they will not reciprocate.

UK had no choice really, they don't have the newly recruited customs officers to do the checks. If they tried to do the checks as expected it would lead to massive hold-ups.
EU is not in the same position and they are geared up ready.
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out loud at the lwr stressing and pontificating over our brilliant PM.
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