EU trade deal deadline is real this time

I'd prefer we walk away rather than be done up like a kipper, but that's me, I care about what happens to our country.
Precisely...But Notch and Lal would prefer the UK get sht upon from a great height by the EU to suit their "Told you so" narrative and wear their white feather with pride.
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I'd prefer we walk away rather than be done up like a kipper, but that's me, I care about what happens to our country.
Precisely...But Notch and Lal would prefer the UK get sht upon from a great height by the EU to suit their "Told you so" narrative and wear their white feather with pride.
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Precisely...But Notch and Lal would prefer the UK get sht upon from a great height by the EU to suit their "Told you so" narrative and wear their white feather with pride.

Brexit has sh@t on this country from a great height.....which you are applauding.

Why do you wish do much damage to this country
Highest number of 'state aid' infringements in the EU

The article doesn't say they broke any rules only that EU issued infringement notices.

State aid is a total red herring, the Tory govt has no interest in state subsidies, it's only interest is giving out contracts to its mates.
It isn't. But it is THE EU (not the UK gov) who are banging on about it.

Ha ha ha that's a typical brexiteers dishonest twisting of reality

The UK want tariff free access to the Single Market.
Hopefully you should know by now, if you want access to the SM you accept the rules

State aid was agreed in the PD by Johnson.

It is the UK govt, the Daily Express and brexers like Fillyboy that are whining about state aid......they've been crying about it all year.
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