America again

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If you say diversity to the bloke on the street he will think - more blacks, more women.

But diversity covers peoples backgrounds - it would be nice change that the PM didn't come from the Eton / Oxford set.

Since 1945 we have had 14 PM - of which 11 went to Oxford and 5 to Eton.

Well then ...maybe we need more Labour Governments
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True of everybody Razzler...The remoaners tried desperately for years for another referendum to gain a majority because you know very well it carries much more weight than "" guidance only"".Boris Johnson was the man of the moment after years of remoaner tricks to deny the ref result.He promised Brexit and he delivered...Leave US politics out of the UK.
Remainers used the constitutional system, not tricks.
The government used the tricks to deliver their own version of Brexit, e.g running down the clock until there was no option to accept the deal on offer.

The thread is about America. It would be more appropriate to say, "leave UK politics out of it."
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Lets see - Break up of the UK, Brexit - just 2 items of Blair's legacy.
What break-up of the UK was Blair responsible for?
The referendum was in 2016, 9 years after Blair's premiership. How was he responsible? He has spoken out against BREXIT.
I wasn't aware of this. Do you have any reliable links to these events?

In August 1625 corsairs raided Mount's Bay, Cornwall, capturing 60 men, women and children and taking them into slavery. In 1626 St Keverne was repeatedly attacked, and boats out of Looe, Penzance, Mousehole and other Cornish ports were boarded, their crews taken captive and the empty ships left to drift.
upload_2021-1-7_11-52-18.png › HistoryUK
Barbary Pirates and English Slaves - Historic UK
The government used the tricks to deliver their own version of Brexit, e.g running down the clock until there was no option to accept the deal on offer.
Whichever way you want to twist it ..Boris came into power because of the antics of remoaners scheming which backfired for people trying to undermine the ref result...
Of course. Sort of swings back to the creation of racism. People were never naturally racist, the UK government and media created the idea of Africans being savages to ensure people did not object to slavery in the southern colonies. People are still racist today and do not even realise it is because of propaganda that started centuries ago. But that's old news.

When North Africans kidnapped Cornish peoples did they say they were savages to ensure people did not object to slavery in the
North Africa.
So, in answer to your original question, No, probably not. Slavery was in common occurrence prior to then, and the general populations did not require acquiesence to an abhorrent practice.
Similarly, sacrifice did not require an explanation to gain acquiesence from the general population, neither did inquisitions, burning of witches, etc.

In August 1625 corsairs raided Mount's Bay, Cornwall, capturing 60 men, women and children and taking them into slavery. In 1626 St Keverne was repeatedly attacked, and boats out of Looe, Penzance, Mousehole and other Cornish ports were boarded, their crews taken captive and the empty ships left to drift.
View attachment 217493 › HistoryUK
Barbary Pirates and English Slaves - Historic UK
Another - short for 6 million was not enough

This was the rise of Nazisim. You know, the thing our fathers and grandfathers died fighting.

How can anybody support then and their actions?

A Jewish reporter at the scene was insulted with anti-Semitic questions and comments live on air.

This could well be the downfall of America. The world is watching.

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