Coronavirus - "You may never be out of the woods"


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
COVID-19 May Hide in Brains and Cause Relapses
By Carolyn Crist, Jan. 25, 2021 -WebMD

Jan. 25, 2021 -- As somebody who suffered total loss of smell and taste, along with fatigue, brain fog and general exhaustion (yes not tested, but diagnosed by doctor!) this is a bit of a concern!

My eyes haven't been right since too. Been meaning to get an eye test but have been putting it off as I have not stepped foot in town in almost a year ...

It's a short article, so here it is in full:

The coronavirus may remain in people’s brains after infection and trigger relapses in patients who thought they had recovered, according to a new study published in the journal Viruses.

In the study, mice that were infected with the virus through their nasal passages developed severe illnesses due to brain infections, even after the virus left their lungs. In humans, this could explain why patients who appear to be over COVID-19 sometimes relapse and die.

“The brain is one of the regions where virus likes to hide,” Mukesh Kumar, the lead study author and a researcher at Georgia State University, said in a statement.

“That’s why we’re seeing severe disease and all these multiple symptoms like heart disease, stroke and all these long-haulers with loss of smell, loss of taste,” he said. “All of this has to do with the brain rather than with the lungs.”

The research team found that the virus was located in the brains of mice at a level that was 1,000 times higher than in any other part of the body. Viral loads in the lungs began to drop after three days but remained high in the brain on the fifth and sixth days after infection, which is when the disease became more severe.

“Once it infects the brain, it can affect anything because the brain is controlling your lungs, the heart, everything,” he said. “The brain is a very sensitive organ. It’s the central processor for everything.”

COVID-19 survivors whose infections reached their brain could also become susceptible to other serious medical conditions in the future, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cognitive decline and autoimmune diseases, he added.

“It’s scary,” he said. “A lot of people think they got COVID and they recovered and now they’re out of the woods. Now I feel like that’s never going to be true. You may never be out of the woods.”​
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The perfect biological weapon?

Or the perfect way to 'control through fear'?

Or both?
COVID-19 survivors whose infections reached their brain could also become susceptible to other serious medical conditions in the future, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cognitive decline and autoimmune diseases, he added
All the diseases you refer to have always existed, how do you know covid will cause them.
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Jan. 25, 2021 -- As somebody who suffered total loss of smell and taste, along with fatigue, brain fog and general exhaustion (yes not tested, but diagnosed by doctor!) this is a bit of a concern!

My eyes haven't been right since too. Been meaning to get an eye test but have been putting it off as I have not stepped foot in town in almost a year ...

  1. abnormal chronic anxiety about one's health.
    imagined ill health · valetudinarianism · anxiety about one's health · preoccupation with one's health · health obsession · neurosis · hypochondriasis · hypochondriacism
I wouldn't call long covid, hypochondria.

The chance of having is on the low side thankfully

one in 20 (4.5%, 189 users) staying ill for 8 weeks and one in fifty (2.3%, 95 users) suffering for longer than 12 weeks
Oh look a brand new quote about Covid 19 that they never knew about just to strike fear into the crackpots that believe this ****e.
It’s a worrying time in life that people are so EASILY convinced. Almost as bad as catching a disease that is supposably strong enough to kill you ,yet you an catch it and recover and show no symptoms what so ever.
Now let me find any other another like this. Oh wait there isn’t one.
Even asymptotic people would show signs of impending death from a life threatening disease lol. I await tomorrow’s new crackpot discovery about coronavirus that has been around for years and years and there has never been this amount of hysteria. Hhmmm I wonder why :ROFLMAO:
Even asymptotic people would show signs of impending death from a life threatening disease lol.

A healthy 27 year old collapsed, one minute walking with friends, a minute later he is on the ground dead. Post mortem examination found he has been suffering from severe cardiovascular disease
A healthy 27 year old collapsed, one minute walking with friends, a minute later he is on the ground dead. Post mortem examination found he has been suffering from severe cardiovascular disease
Common with heart disease..Good Point.
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