Pub passports?

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If the vaccine is so brilliant then as long as your protected it doesn’t matter does it.

Of course it does.

I don't know why you are so angry all the time, if you don't want the jab don't have it. Simples.
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Of course it does.

I don't know why you are so angry all the time, if you don't want the jab don't have it. Simples.

The very least he could do, is not try to convince others to not have the jab, or come up with a valid reason. Everyone has explained at great length why they support it and having it, John has just called people silly infantile names.
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The very least he could do, is not try to convince others to not have the jab, or come up with a valid reason. Everyone has explained at great length why they support it and having it, John has just called people silly infantile names.
I have never once tried to convince others to not have a jab so yet again A BLATANT LIE.
I have only ever stated that I won’t be having it.
I do not need to explain my reasons to anybody as to why I’m not having it.
It is actually the opposite-to what you say,it’s you and others on here trying to convince people or telling people to have a jab.
I have called people names have I ?
Of course you haven’t I suppose.
I have made up my own mind regarding wether I wish to have the jab.
I have not been bullied , neither have I gave into the the government or MSM, who to force people to follow there agenda , use physiological fear as that’s the easiest way to get what they want.
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But you claim Covid is no worse than flu......which is demonstrably untrue
How would you know that when there are no true facts regarding deaths from Covid as people who have died with Covid (not of Covid ) are added to the numbers.
Or people who have not had Covid and died have had cause of death written as Covid on their death certificate.
Take away the numbers of people who have died with Covid (not of Covid) and also take off the people who wrongly had Covid put as cause of death on their death certificate then it would be no different to the average number of people who die of flu.
Also it has been proven that the chances of dying of Covid are less than 1%.
But you claim Covid is no worse than flu......which is demonstrably untrue
Can I ask why is it that since Covid began it is/was always reported as :- people who have died within 28days of a positive test?

That is not a true reflection of the exact number of people who have died because of Covid is it.

If someone tests positive for Covid tomorrow and gets run over by a bus on Monday then the cause of death isn’t Covid is it.

But they would be added to the numbers of Covid deaths.

They would have died with Covid ,not of Covid.
I have a right to use the bus without being subjected to unnecessary risk, when the law says masks are requirement on all public transport.
Yes, as I have said before, you have the right (of way) to cross a zebra crossing in front of a car that is clearly not going to stop.

When was it advised that the vulnerable (including myself being very old) need no longer 'shield' themselves?
If someone tests positive for Covid tomorrow and gets run over by a bus on Monday then the cause of death isn’t Covid is it.

What if they couldn't get out the way because they were short of breath?
Or what if they got serious brain fog and so confused they stepped into the road thinking it was safe?
Not this again! If you think people isolating is a miracle, then yes, flu head miraculously disappeared.

How Flu Spreads
Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes.

COVID-19 is mainly spread through close contact and droplets that come from your nose and mouth. For example, from someone who is talking loud, singing, shouting, coughing or sneezing.
You can also get the virus from infected surfaces. For example, when someone who has the virus sneezes or coughs, droplets with the virus can fall onto surfaces around them.
If you touch that surface and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you could become infected too.

Yes I can see the massive difference on how a lockdown has gotten rid of flu completely,but not Covid.
I can also see the massive difference on how covid and flu spread:sneaky::whistle:o_O:eek:
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