Pub passports?

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You have completely failed to provide any rational reason not to have it, therefore we must all assume you have a fear of needles.
If the vaccine is so brilliant then as long as your protected it doesn’t matter does it.
Or are you not confident enough in the vaccine?
Apparently it is difficult to prove if a vaccine reduces transmission so we may not know the exact figures for a while. But it certainly reduces viral load, which is a major vector in transmission, and if fewer people suffer with the virus due to being inoculated then it makes logical sense that those people are less likely to pass it on. Less virus, less coughing, etc. Plus of course, having the vaccine does dramatically improve the outcome for most people who do catch it.

On balance it's difficult to see an argument against. And I do wonder why some people who are against either won't, or can't, explain why?
Apparently it is difficult to prove if a vaccine reduces transmission so we may not know the exact figures for a while. But it certainly reduces viral load, which is a major vector in transmission, and if fewer people suffer with the virus due to being inoculated then it makes logical sense that those people are less likely to pass it on. Less virus, less coughing, etc. Plus of course, having the vaccine does dramatically improve the outcome for most people who do catch it.

On balance it's difficult to see an argument against. And I do wonder why some people who are against either won't, or can't, explain why?
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If the vaccine is so brilliant then as long as your protected it doesn’t matter does it.
Or are you not confident enough in the vaccine?

If it provides any protection at all, it is worth having. To use an earlier analogy, I wear a seat belt and pay for a mass of airbags in my car - because I might be involved in an accident. Nothing to loose, a lot potentially to be gained from wearing belts and having the jab..
If it provides any protection at all, it is worth having. To use an earlier analogy, I wear a seat belt and pay for a mass of airbags in my car - because I might be involved in an accident. Nothing to loose, a lot potentially to be gained from wearing belts and having the jab..
Look at the first seven words in your statement lol :ROFLMAO::D
So your not even sure if it does yourself and yet your disputing someone who says it doesn’t.

This is comedy gold :D:ROFLMAO::LOL::sneaky::)
Look at the first seven words in your statement lol :ROFLMAO::D
So your not even sure if it does yourself and yet your disputing someone who says it doesn’t.

This is comedy gold :D:ROFLMAO::LOL::sneaky:

Is English your first language, it appears not - I said 'if', I didn't suggest that was the case.
Is English your first language, it appears not - I said 'if', I didn't suggest that was the case.
You seriously need to get a life pal:-
To do all this over a couple of kids not wearing a mask is sad.
Get yourself a hobby to take up some of your time.
I can’t believe you went to all that bother over a few kids not wearing a mask.

I often use buses locally. If I happen to need to catch one just after kicking out time from the local high school, there will be large groups of 11 to 18 year olds milling around waiting for various bus's in the local high street. When their (public service) bus arrives, on they get, maybe 10 or 20 of them, but probably only 1 or 2 wearing the obligatory mask, the bus full of the general public all doing their bit and wearing masks.

So I have emailed the head of school about the conduct and the heads reply is that '...they have each been issued with 3x masks and they ensure they wear them in school. Once outside the school gates, it is not their problem'. Next I contacted the bus company, who likewise suggest there is little they can do about it, they cannot just leave them at the bus stop and it would not be fair to expect a driver to argue with a gang of 18 year old lads.

Next I contacted the police on 101, last week, to report my concerns, which I have just followed up today to see what they have actually done. They have emailed the bus company and failed to get any response at all. The bus companies are simply not taking this seriously, as I suspected.

I have now suggested the police get a PC or a PCSO at the bus stop at the appropriate time, to impose the regulations.

Read more:
Is English your first language, it appears not - I said 'if', I didn't suggest that was the case.
Your complaining to schools,bus companies and the police About a few kids not wearing a mask.
Your complaining about the price of coffee in a pub.
Your complaining to councils about cars parking on pavements.

I think you have proven the type of man you are !!
Your complaining to schools,bus companies and the police About a few kids not wearing a mask.
Your complaining about the price of coffee in a pub.
Your complaining to councils about cars parking on pavements.

I think you have proven the type of man you are !!

and you sir, are a stalker!
I think you have proven the type of man you are !
Harry has mentioned before he has CKD, which means he is in the extremely vulnerable Covid group. Being on a bus where mask wearing is lax, would not surprisingly be very concerning....anybody in the same situation would feel the same.

John, you may not be in a vulnerable group, either clinically or in age so your risk is far lower, but try and have some empathy for others.
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