Boris......what a speech...

It will change at some point (the swing back to Labour) the only question is when.

I'm sitting here with Jeremy Vine on in the background. They're discussing Boris. A guy's just phoned in saying he's working class, has been working for 35 years and has never been able to afford a mortgage. He supports Boris because 'he's going to get everything sorted, including the rise of lower wages, meaning I'll be able to get a mortgage.'

Oh dear ...

People actually believe the rhetoric. Tories already coming out saying the 'levelling up' will take a decade plus. It's always tomorrow with politicians, never today. Okay, from a socio-economic perspective, these changes do take time (if they happen at all), the question is, will all those putting their faith in Boris and the Conservatives have the patience (in voting terms) to wait for something that, let's be honest, very likely won't be delivered. At least not to the extent some think.

Boris talks a good game about ensuring towns and cities all over the UK are valued the same as London, with proper investment, rise in wages etc etc. If this doesn't happen, how long will those who lent their vote to the Conservatives wait?
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Labour are a complete shambles, Boris is living the dream at the moment with no credible opposition.

What do you consider credible?

This is the conceit that really makes no sense. If you want credible opposition then you want them to have policy you agree with, perhaps they don't - but that does not mean they are not credible. Granted Labour is rife with infighting but so were the Tories under Cameron leading to his Brexit gambit. But also you are not forced to vote if you like neither party and if you only vote the least worst party then what does that say about our two party fptp political system - it needs major reform.
It will change at some point (the swing back to Labour) the only question is when.

I'm sitting here with Jeremy Vine on in the background. They're discussing Boris. A guy's just phoned in saying he's working class, has been working for 35 years and has never been able to afford a mortgage. He supports Boris because 'he's going to get everything sorted, including the rise of lower wages, meaning I'll be able to get a mortgage.'

Oh dear ...

People actually believe the rhetoric. Tories already coming out saying the 'levelling up' will take a decade plus. It's always tomorrow with politicians, never today. Okay, from a socio-economic perspective, these changes do take time (if they happen at all), the question is, will all those putting their faith in Boris and the Conservatives have the patience (in voting terms) to wait for something that, let's be honest, very likely won't be delivered. At least not to the extent some think.

Boris talks a good game about ensuring towns and cities all over the UK are valued the same as London, with proper investment, rise in wages etc etc. If this doesn't happen, how long will those who lent their vote to the Conservatives wait?

Forever. It's an article of faith.

Boris is long on vision but short on policy.

That caller has been working for 35 years of which 23 years have been under Tory government and 13 labour.

The greatet trick the Tories ever played is they convinced people they were never in power.
“We sent that corduroy communist cosmonaut into orbit where he belongs” :ROFLMAO::LOL:
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The greatet trick the Tories ever played is they convinced people they were never in power.

Johnsons speech was basically saying Tory policy has been low productivity, low wage economy and has been a failure
It will change at some point (the swing back to Labour) the only question is when.

I'm sitting here with Jeremy Vine on in the background. They're discussing Boris. A guy's just phoned in saying he's working class, has been working for 35 years and has never been able to afford a mortgage. He supports Boris because 'he's going to get everything sorted, including the rise of lower wages, meaning I'll be able to get a mortgage.'

Oh dear ...

People actually believe the rhetoric. Tories already coming out saying the 'levelling up' will take a decade plus. It's always tomorrow with politicians, never today. Okay, from a socio-economic perspective, these changes do take time (if they happen at all), the question is, will all those putting their faith in Boris and the Conservatives have the patience (in voting terms) to wait for something that, let's be honest, very likely won't be delivered. At least not to the extent some think.

Boris talks a good game about ensuring towns and cities all over the UK are valued the same as London, with proper investment, rise in wages etc etc. If this doesn't happen, how long will those who lent their vote to the Conservatives wait?

Some next election, all the rest still above ground, the following one (assuming Boris hasn't actually delivered, which he won't). This is the funny thing about the partisan attitudes of so many. No government ever, really changes anything. They just placate the population of their time. Our government is here to keep a lid on us plebs. Labour, Tory, or any other. People need to look out for themselves and stop pinning their hopes on some future parliamentary saviour. Vote for what makes you happy but don't expect any real change. Sort your own crap out.
Some next election, all the rest still above ground, the following one (assuming Boris hasn't actually delivered, which he won't). This is the funny thing about the partisan attitudes of so many. No government ever, really changes anything. They just placate the population of their time. Our government is here to keep a lid on us plebs. Labour, Tory, or any other. People need to look out for themselves and stop pinning their hopes on some future parliamentary saviour. Vote for what makes you happy but don't expect any real change. Sort your own crap out.

Sadly pretty much true, sadly.

the tribal nature of politics in this country is pushed by the politicians -it means people dont care about policies they just care about being on a side.
A load of old tosh, just got air coming out of his mouth.

The party is quickly failing and people are getting disgruntled, the wages havnt increased unless your a truck driver, bills are shooting up all over the shop, supply issues are all around us, and so far none of what they've already promised has come to fruition.

Only good thing that's come about is the vaccine rollout, and I am now thinking that was more luck than judgement.

As sir g said, waffle with no details.

I tell you one thing, give the £20 back to the benefits people, and scrap the HS2 vanity project, which shouldn't have ever gone ahead.

They need to invest in real green energy swiftly, and make big investments instead of HS2,

They need to really think and take charge but the problem is they can't think unless someone is bunging some money in their wallets. And we've spent so long tied to the EU, UK politicians have become stupid and inept more so than they were previously, just got to look at those in power.

I was a big advocate of Tories last year, but not so much now.. there is just so very little real vision and planning for the future, it's just knee jerk populist reactions, there is no real meat to the bone, and it's just highly disappointing.
Flannel and bluster.

"Business leaders rounded on Boris Johnson for lacking a coherent economic plan after he delivered a boosterish conference speech that made barely a mention of the supply chain crisis.

The address was condemned as “bombastic but vacuous and economically illiterate” by the free market Adam Smith Institute, while the Conservative thinktank Bright Blue issued a stark warning.

“The public will soon tire of Boris’s banter if the government does not get a grip of mounting crises: price rises, tax rises, fuel shortages, labour shortages. There was nothing new in this speech, no inspiring new vision or policy,” its chief executive, Ryan Shorthouse, said."
Business leaders rounded on Boris Johnson for lacking a coherent economic plan

I agree, it's fair to say business leaders aren't in favour of increased pay.

I'm curious about you and Galahad, why the panic about increasing wages for lower paid workers?
I agree, it's fair to say business leaders aren't in favour of increased pay.

I'm curious about you and Galahad, why the panic about increasing wages for lower paid workers?

very perceptive of you to describe me as a business leader, but really, there's no need.
panic about increasing wages for lower paid workers

Firstly, that isn’t true, a few headlines about lorry driver wages going up doesnt mean lower paid workers are being paid more.

if the government cared why did it give a 1% pay rise to NHS?

Secondly, the cost of living is outstripping wage inflation.
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