The numbers are in...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Brexit: One year on, the economic impact is starting to show

"After a year of Brexit, the UK economy appears to be less open or less global than it was before.

The government's official forecasters, the Office of Budget Responsibility, said the latest actual data were consistent with its forecasts from five years ago that the "trade intensity" of the UK economy could fall by 15% over a decade and a half.

The UK's key export markets are less reliant on UK goods, and the UK is less reliant on foreign goods. This is at a time when trade elsewhere in the world boomed, recovering all the losses and more in the pandemic slump."

Project 'fear' was in fact project reality...

Brexiteers of course still have their fingers in their ears and are singing 'la la la' whilst watching their unicorns fly by!
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Funny how you want to wait years and years before deciding whether you'll chance the vaccination but you're carping on about Brexit in it's infancy. Brexit always was a long game as I have mentioned before.

Hey, one year on, what's the figures worldwide and general consensus from medical experts from each country on lives saved due to the vaccination?

Antivaxxers of course still have their fingers in their ears and are singing 'la la la' whilst watching their hospital ICU's being filled by the unvaccinated and watching their fellow countrymen die a horrible death!


They wont be affecting us so they were scare stories.
None of this Brexit malarkey is going to affect us forever. Brexit is a long game and all remainers seem to bring up are short term losses. Just like investments really - you just have to bide your time……
Splitting hairs, Captain, splitting hairs!
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After four years, Mottie said

It’s been a long 4 years.
Will there be a trade agreement?
Don't care.
What are the "New Rules?"
Don't care.
Will there be tariffs?
Don't care.
What regulations will apply?
Don't care.
What forms will you fill in to import or export?
Don't care.
Will Johnson breach his "Oven Ready" Withdrawal Agreement?
Don't care.

We'll be out. That’s all I care about and that’s all I voted for.

Unfortunately the dishonest lying incompetent in Downing Street didn't care either.
That was after 4 years of stalling, court cases, weak leadership, gutless, spineless MP's going against a democratic vote. Then Boris came in like a knight in shining armour, cut through all the crap and sorted it. The majority voted for it and he delivered where no others would. It'll sort itself out and he can F off now as far as I'm concerned. Accept it - moaning and whinging will do you no good at all. Get over it.
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That was after 4 years of stalling, court cases, weak leadership, gutless, spineless MP's going against a democratic vote. Then Boris came in like a knight in shining armour, cut through all the crap and sorted it. The majority voted for it and he delivered where no others would. It'll sort itself out and he can F off now as far as I'm concerned. Accept it - moaning and whinging will do you no good at all. Get over it.
It shows how flawed a referendum is. Politicians are elected to represent their constituencies, not to be ordered to follow any specific course of action.
And the majority of MPs wanted to remain in the EU.
It was only because Brexiteers threatened them with being deselected (or in the case of ERG actually sacking them) in the next elections that the gutless politicians preferred to keep their jobs rather than keep their integrity.
Sorry Mottie, but Brexit is an economic, political and social disaster that has been masked by Covid.

Maybe Brexit has been good (or even neutral) for you up until now, but others have lost livelihoods, opportunities, etc because of it.
I said this last year but I'm having to say it again - let's hope next year will be better than this one. It can't be any worse. Can it? :cautious:
A number of ERG people are now in senior positions so they have done ok. The vote margin wasn't that high and I am pretty sure that if another had been. held we would still be in. Reholding referendums is a bit of an odd area. It happens but likely to be significant time between them. Commentators were rather surprised by the number of people in some age groups that voted out. It was largely achieved via various media contents and using some normal human traits that if bought up are known to be effective as they have been used before. The whole campaign involved targetting groups of people.

Afraid it leaves me wondering what the ERG intended to achieve. What gains? Talking to the USA wont be much use as they wont like the EU yet they do.Their right wing groups.Their left wont be keen on the EU as well.

Much was made of trade deals. One reason may be that much of UK business imports stuff and some of it attracts EU tariffs. I can't see that change being beneficial to ordinary people.

Then the deal. Lot's not really being sorted out and some sectors finding the expected benefits have turned into negatives and other problems have cropped up.

Collecting more VAT. Maybe but are ebay currently collecting VAT on imports? Buying stuff from the EU has become a bit problematic for me anyway. Stuff that I can not buy here. When we buy and VAT is paid as it will be in the EU who's VAT are we paying?

What was paid to the EU. Big giggle here - used for levelling up. Some areas of the UK have received a lot of it. Boris levelling up. Having cut all sorts put some back. No doubt at some point some will work out if that is a true gain - better than it was before the cuts. Holes in the social side of things keep cropping up.

We are due some interest rate increases next year. Historically speaking ours seem to have been very low for longer than some others.
la la la la la la - oooh look a unicorn.... la la la
la la la la la la - oooh look a unicorn.... la la la

Are you a member of the Magic Roundabout. Hard to tell from that post. You may or may not be.

Boing etc. I prefer reality.
That was after 4 years of stalling... the Brexit government of the Brexit party which been unable to agree with itself what Brexit meant or what it wanted, and you proudly announced that you had no care for the good of the country, or for the damaged inflected on it by a gang of lying incompetents.
I said this last year but I'm having to say it again - let's hope next year will be better than this one. It can't be any worse. Can it? :cautious:

Every time you think Brexit can't get worse, it gets worse.

Amazingly, Johnson is even worse that we all knew he would be.
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