Life for Death by Dangerous Driving?

31 May 2016
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United Kingdom

I'm not sure there are parallels with people who set out to commit cold blooded murder and people who recklessly kill through their dangerous acts. On the one hand does it matter the intent of the person if someone dies, on the other we have always sentenced people mostly for what they intended to do.

This could lead to people fleeing the scene rather than staying to get help.
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A momentary lapse of concentration . . . BANG . . . Rest of your life in jail.

Sounds like one of them popular opinion of The Sun readers laws to me.
With the current snowflake system, one deliberately and without reason killing another, usually doesn't result in a life sentence. (Life means life, remember them?)
Imagine dangerous driving.
At best they'll do a couple of years.
A momentary lapse of concentration
That wouldn't necessarily be dangerous driving though. The vast majority of accidents are due to a lapse in concentration, they aren't all dangerous driving.
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A momentary lapse of concentration . . . BANG . . . Rest of your life in jail.

Sounds like one of them popular opinion of The Sun readers laws to me.
Depends whether the ‘momentary’ lapse in concentration is combined with excess speed ,or a glance at a text message ,say, in which case it would be easier to prove dangerous driving .
I doubt whether they’d lock us up and throw away the key for , say , driving at the correct speed for the conditions , within the limit and sneezing .
distracted/not looking. fair enough. Doesn’t say how many were speeding while they weren’t looking though or how many wouldn’t have been involved in the accident if they weren’t speeding.
One of your pointless limited simplistic links again.
If the stats are only based on people travelling at or within the speed limit then they are pointless in a discussion where ‘dangerous driving’ is the main topic . Driving at speed being the obvious , most likely cause of a life conviction for dangerous driving.
Doesn’t say how many were speeding
Seems clear enough to me, "exceeding speed limit was the leading factor to only seven percent of the road accidents in Great Britain", which is completely at odds with what you claimed. Don't know why you have to troll about absolutely everything.
Seems clear enough to me, "exceeding speed limit was the leading factor to only seven percent of the road accidents in Great Britain", which is completely at odds with what you claimed. Don't know why you have to troll about absolutely everything.
Like I say , I’d like the formula or information they use to distinguish between whether it was the lapse in concentration or speed which was the overriding factor contributing to the road accident. If that info is not available then the end user can reasonably assume the statistics are fundamentally flawed and based on personal opinion/ bias.
unless it specifies the speed or average speed or even whether the lapse in concentration accidents were lower , at or above the speed limit then they are a nonsense .
They rely on simpletons like yourself taking them at face value, and going along with the assumption that road accidents happen on an either or basis. In this case either lapse in concentration or excess speed, and that the two don’t go hand in hand , which of course is most often the reality.
Since they introduced 20mph limits on most London roads, I have seen many accidents happening because at 20mph drivers get distracted.
20mph is too slow.
Ok, the accidents are not serious because at that speed nothing much can happen, but surely, and I speak for myself only, I find myself looking around, changing radio stations and generally getting distracted when going at 20mph.
Differently from when I go on country lanes or motorways where I concentrate fully on driving.
I even turn the radio off on country lanes.
Speed does not kill, distractions do.
It would be more effective to impound the vehicle of anyone using a mobile phone at the wheel and suspend their licence for a month.
most of our area is 20mph . speed bumps everywhere . It made it a whole lot worse. people are doing at least 20 over the bumps and speeding up in between .
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