Women's football, still a long way behind?

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So you don't think the Enland women's team excelled in football?
Odd considering they just won a major championship.

Of course but they could not play along side men in a competitive match.

Certain sports I can't see why they can't mix and match
Irrelevant. And that does not stop them excelling in football though...

...so is football and they have proved it.

I don't think I've said anything to the that suggests different.
Of course they can.
I agree.

I feel that your leading me down a dark garden path
That would be the misogynistic morons that keep comparing women's sports to men's sports.

Some say women's sports are boring or lack physicality or not quick enough or aggressive enough - fair comment. But to pass them (women) off because they are not on par with the men is a pointless and silly endeavour.
That would be the misogynistic morons that keep comparing women's sports to men's sports.
I think you misunderstand & cannot comprehend the very nature of competetive sport.

Liking the sport of football but not liking the game played by women is far from misogynistic.

Did you know that there are currently over 3000 athletes who can beat the womens world record for the 100 metres sprint?
Liking the sport of football but not liking the game played by women is far from misogynistic.
Correct. Did you read my post or have someone read it to you?

Did you know that there are currently over 3000 athletes who can beat the womens world record for the 100 metres sprint?

And? So what? Half the population are female. Many of those like to compete in sports and lots more enjoy watching women compete as do some open-minded blokes. You and your fellow misogynists need to get away from comparing male and female sports and enjoy either for what they are.
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Given the choice, I’d rather watch the woman’s beach volleyball than the mens………
Correct. Did you read my post or have someone read it to you?

And? So what? Half the population are female. Many of those like to compete in sports and lots more enjoy watching women compete as do some open-minded blokes. You and your fellow misogynists need to get away from comparing male and female sports and enjoy either for what they are.
When I watch competitive sport I like to watch it at its best. Watching womens football at its highest level is like watching The Kings Arms 2nd team stumbling around on a Sunday morning.
When I watch competitive sport I like to watch it at its best. Watching womens football at its highest level is like watching The Kings Arms 2nd team stumbling around on a Sunday morning.
I agree. I'm the same with (men's) cricket and rugby and only watch international matches.

Ask a grown up to read the thread back to you and explain what the word 'compare' means.(y)
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