Yet another example....

30 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
of throwing our history in the bin as though it never existed!

We are breeding a nation of yellow bellys who will be scared to say boo to a goose!
Britain has always been proud of the way we have stood up to outside aggressors, proud to rear the young men and women who had the courage to stand up to our foes and defend the rights of our allies. What on earth has happened to that British stoicism? Where, and when, did we start getting it wrong?
Yes, the name on the grave is wrong by modern day principles, but that has been removed and a new stone installed telling the background story of the dog and his owner. Now the whole airfield is going to be turned over to a bunch of people who want to live in this country but most of whom have no respect for our history, our traditions or our values. Why don't we just give up all our weapons and let the first country to get here, step in and rule us their way. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I feel really scared for our younger generations who will probably have very watered-down versions of what this country has been through in previous times.
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If we had been invaded like the Ukraine has been, I do believe we would fold and surrender like a bunch of wet Nancy's
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We've said it all before in other threads, regardless of your views on migrants, it can't be denied the government has made a complete feck up of managing the whole thing.

They were talking about it on QT last night. The show came from an area on the south coast where they're planning to use an old prison to house approx. 1200 (male only) migrants. Some folk in the audience were understandably concerned, saying that many unknown people being plonked beside their relatively small villages could cause concerns e.g. young women walking around at night.

Whether it's through design, incompetence or both, the government just hasn't got to grips with the situation. Should Labour get it come the next GE, it'll be interesting to see how they approach it. No doubt they'll spend the first x years excusing their lack of progress on the tories i.e. 'we're still cleaning up the mess they left.' I suspect that'll be their 'out' for anything they don't progress in a positive way.

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As to what's happened to the UK, it's not only the UK, but my goodness some of the stuff you read makes you think 'eh?!?'

We need to spare the feelings of ex cons ...

And this person is apparently a woman ...

I expected it to be a given that illegal immigrants who have not been given permission to stay, who are not allowed to work would be detained somehow. I incorrectly assumed that military bases were being used as they already have big fences around them.

Turns out I was wrong - they will have security, but only to stop anyone uninvited getting in. The inmates holidaymakers will be free to go where they like, and they'll provide buses for them to go to nearby towns.

Funnily enough, they're not close to London or wealthy influential people. They're happy to trash the rest of the country though.
Sounds like they've only asked to move the grave to another RAF base, as the existing location is being redeveloped.
Surely that's a good thing?
The town next door to me recently saw two hotels closed (Best Western and Novotel). They were working, functioning hotels which housed guests and hosted functions, proms, business events, etc. They employed a good number of staff, many of whom were local. I know they were well-used.

The foreign owners (who merely acquired the hotels, originally built by UK-based chains back in the mid-70s) took the Home Office payment, prepared to close the hotels as functioning businesses and gave staff 48 hours' notice to go. After that all the staff had lost their jobs.

The hotels now house around 500 young men. I'm not bothered where they're from, as any group of young men of any ethnicity will cause problems, but why can this be allowed? Why were all these migrants placed here next to three schools? Why are they allowed to continue defecating in the woods behind the hotels? What happens about the ones who have absconded?

The local MP attended a residents meeting and - allegedly - had no idea this had been planned. If true, who is really in control?!
Why are they allowed to continue defecating in the woods behind the hotels?
I don't think there has ever been an Anti-Defecating-in-the-Woods police squad, so hard to see how this could be stopped.

In answer to why do hotels do this - it's obviously a sound business decision.
I don't think there has ever been an Anti-Defecating-in-the-Woods police squad, so hard to see how this could be stopped.

In answer to why do hotels do this - it's obviously a sound business decision.

There's no "anti-spitting-in-somebody's-face-while-smoking-cannabis" squad either, but it's wrong.

I didn't ask why the hotels do this, as it of course makes short-term economic sense for them to do it.
of throwing our history in the bin as though it never existed!

We are breeding a nation of yellow bellys who will be scared to say boo to a goose!
Britain has always been proud of the way we have stood up to outside aggressors, proud to rear the young men and women who had the courage to stand up to our foes and defend the rights of our allies. What on earth has happened to that British stoicism? Where, and when, did we start getting it wrong?
Yes, the name on the grave is wrong by modern day principles, but that has been removed and a new stone installed telling the background story of the dog and his owner. Now the whole airfield is going to be turned over to a bunch of people who want to live in this country but most of whom have no respect for our history, our traditions or our values. Why don't we just give up all our weapons and let the first country to get here, step in and rule us their way. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I feel really scared for our younger generations who will probably have very watered-down versions of what this country has been through in previous times.

So we fought a war to bring Europe together and then decided to jettison all this with Brexit.

What would Churchill think of our current Prime Minister - his views of Indians are clear and open.

So what's the issue here - the lack of teaching history? Well why doesn't our Government properly invest in schools and education.
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