Food Shop

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I have been discussing in various threads recently the ever increasing food prices.

We go to Aldi generally and over the months, some foods have increased so much we have either switched to a cheaper version or to a different product.

For example, we used to get the middle ranking cheese (eg if it were Tesco, you have Value, then the ordinary label, then the Finest). Then one week, the middle ranking cheese had gone up massively so I chose the cheap one. But the cheapest variety had also gone up. Oddly, the cheap was now exactly the same price as the middle cheese was before its price went up.

I used to get chocolate biccies for the boys, something like Aldi's own brand Pingu biscuit or Rocky.

But now these have all risen bigley. Even their cheapie chocolate bar is now 44p when last week it was 33p.

So we are not buying choccie anymore!

I got the boys Aldi's own brand HobNobs instead.

Last time we went shopping, 500g of Greek style yogurt was 75p. Now it's 89p.

Kipling-style Bakewell tarts used to be 75p also.

This price has been increasing gradually over the last few months, but now they are 1.19.

Chips a year ago were almost half the price they are now.

Meat has been rocketing too.

Before we went shopping today, I went through the chest freezer and made a note of everything we had.

There were things like chicken pies for the lads, a couple of packs of bacon, a couple of whole chickens, mince and sausages and a variety of fish.

I decided we may as well use these things up, so I made a menu for the week and compiled a shopping list, minus all the meats above.

We bought a bare minimum of frozen food, two cheap pizzas and some Cornetto type ice creams for the lads. Meat-wise, we only bought some chicken for a curry and some burgers to supplement the frozen meat we already had. We didn't buy bread because we had lots in the freezer.

Bear in mind one lad is away at Uni, so there are just two adults and two teenage lads.

The bill was still £135…!

The guy on the till told us that every day he sees higher prices.

How is everyone else finding their food shop bills?
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I took over going out for the weekly food shop during covid and I seem to have inherited it full time. Before tgat, Mrs Mottie used to have it delivered but I like to look at food before I buy it and I pick those with the longest dates. I normally go to Sainsburys bur every two or three weeks I go to Lidl first because I particularly like their smoked haddock, their Nespresso style coffee pods and their eggs. I’ve started buying their veg too because they have a good selection (about ten different types of tomatoes) and I also pick up any other bits on the list if they look okay before going on to Sainsbury’s. I like their own brand digestive biscuits. I normally spend about £25 in there.

I have noticed the price of things go up in Sainsburys too and I now buy their own brand weetabix, chopped tomatoes, baked beans, washing powder and spaghetti. Probably spend about £60-£80 in there depending on whether I buy a couple of bottles of wine. I do buy half a dozen bottles or more when they have a 25% off promotion. Oh, and I use the scan and shop as it’s a lot quicker than joining a queue to pay or using the self-checkouts. To use the scan and shop you have to have one of their nectar cards. I’ve just noticed that they have started giving discounts on certain items if you use their nectar card - this week I remember dishwasher tablets were £12.50 for normal punters but only £8 if you used your nectar card. I still spent £107 this week though as well as £19 in Lidl.

Every now and then, Mrs Mottie makes a list of what we have in the freezers, plans the meals for the week and we have a frugal week using up stuff we have had for a while.
We are seeing the same price rises..
We do the big shop in Aldi then over the road to Tesco for items Aldi don't stock.
Was £80 plus £30 this week so that's good for us.
Was £99.97 plus £40 last week..
I shop at Aldi(veg/meat/cheese/bacon etc) and Sainsburys/Iceland(frozen) and notice the price increases every couple of weeks, i am a bit of a brand snob, but recently have tried 1 or 2 own brand items such as salad cream £1 v Heinz £3 and its ok, we spend around £200 a week for the 3 of us.
I know i can reduce this amount easily, we do waste a lot of food and spend silly money on treats etc, though rarely buy alcohol, for example i have 2lt milk cartons delivered 3 times a week and i pour half down the sink every week, been saying for years it's time to cancel, more fool me.
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My milkie is on WhatsApp. If I want extra or less milk, or stuff like cheese, yogurt or bread, I only have to send him a message before 20:00.

We pay extra for milk from him as in the long run, it is cheaper than buying it from the local shops, because once in there, people are tempted to buy other stuff.
My milkie is on WhatsApp. If I want extra or less milk, or stuff like cheese, yogurt or bread, I only have to send him a message before 20:00.

We pay extra for milk from him as in the long run, it is cheaper than buying it from the local shops, because once in there, people are tempted to buy other stuff.

I went out yo buy some training shoes years back. I come home with a super king tempur bed with storage underneath.

I Don t think I got the shoes
We are seeing the same price rises..
We do the big shop in Aldi then over the road to Tesco for items Aldi don't stock.
Was £80 plus £30 this week so that's good for us.
Was £99.97 plus £40 last week..
How many do you buy for?
So many price rises at Aldi, I've lost track. Of those I remember, one of my treats, the large tiramisu, has gone up from £1.89 to £2.49 in the past year. Scotch eggs have gone up a lot as well.

Sainsburys frozen pepperoni pizza for £1 is still a bargain (if they actually have any in). It's the same as the double pepperoni at £1.75, just without the little slices, but you get more big slices to compensate. Other ingredients identical. It is about 10% smaller overall, though.
I buy my trainers on line. I don't go for big brand names like Adidas, Reebok, Nike etc. Always gone for what I find comfortable foe me. A few years ago my wife picked me a pair of Lonsdale trainers up when she was out. They are so comfortable and last quite a while. I now order them on-line as they are hard to find in the shops. My last pair, bought about 3 weeks ago, cost me £30. A similar looking Nike pair would have set me back £94
I have a pair of grey Lonnies, (as I call them), that I have been using for workshop/gardening for over 12 months now and, despite having a hole in the sole, are still very comfortable.
I buy my trainers on line. I don't go for big brand names like Adidas, Reebok, Nike etc. Always gone for what I find comfortable foe me. A few years ago my wife picked me a pair of Lonsdale trainers up when she was out. They are so comfortable and last quite a while. I now order them on-line as they are hard to find in the shops. My last pair, bought about 3 weeks ago, cost me £30. A similar looking Nike pair would have set me back £94
I have a pair of grey Lonnies, (as I call them), that I have been using for workshop/gardening for over 12 months now and, despite having a hole in the sole, are still very comfortable.
Only wear Nike, more the reason is they support my high arches well. No other reason
We started getting supermarket deliveries in lockdown, that's just 3 years ago. The bill is about 60% higher now. 17% p.a.
asda online
i feel like my shopping has gone up 40% in reallity probably 12-15% buuuuuut as substitutes now seem to be fairly irrelivent in many cases you have the choice off accepting a poor overpriced substitute for example 1L bells and 1l grouse both say £18 not available so £15 for 70cl
or 2x2l cider at 4.2% so £4 offered 4 cans off superhyped for the connisure with a fancy label attached so 1760l so less than half the volume but the same price
now instead off comparable subs where volume or weight would be the target it now seems the top line or amount is to match the no more than the price offered even iff value is really really poor
I mostly shop in Aldi.
The main changes that I noticed is the 500ml yogurts (up 40p, from 75p), and extra mature cheese (up 80p, from £1.99).

Figures are iirc.
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