Thames Water - £13bn debt - going under

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

So they loaded the company with debt and used the debt to pay shareholders and now they need to invest but have a debt mountain to pay so are thinking about pulling the plug and leaving the Government holding the can.

Privatise the profits and socialise the debts.
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Some reports suggest there debt is way in excess of 13 billion ???

Apparently the entire water companies have paid out some thing like 72 / 75 billion in dividends to share holders since privatisation

Crooks and spivs ?? ( imo)
Greedy b'stards.

It was all part of the plan because the real criminals in todays society are the low paid workers asking for pay rises - see how the gutter press demonise them.

Water companies are natural monopolies - should not have been privatised - but it's an easy sell to the public that's fed on the diet public bad, private good.
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It seems it is pretty standard City business practice to load a company with debt so even more profit can be made out of it. But the chicken has come home to roost. We've learnt f**k all from fred the shred and the banking crisis of 2008.

A few more details .,funds%20and%20sovereign%20wealth%20funds.

Not Australian (maybe?) but Canadian, etc etc etc.

However, nobody said they're bankrupt. Their borrowing at 14bn is high(80%) but claim they have 4.5bn to meet their debts.
They certainly DID pay a lot of divis - that's how you bribe the shareholders to approve what you're borrowing. They said they haven't paid divis for the last 5 years, and another article declared they weren't paying any to external owners. But that inews one says they paid internal dividends. eh?

OK, lets nationalise it. Trouble is, which fine upstanding British Institution's management team would you trust to run it?
It was all part of the plan because the real criminals in todays society are the low paid workers asking for pay rises - see how the gutter press demonise them.

Them pesky nurses, train drivers and consultant doctors eh?
Water privatisation has been a shocking scandal.

"It’s time to admit that water privatisation has been a failure. In 1989, the sell-off was touted as the route to greater efficiency and investment. But between 2002 and 2018, Scottish Water, which remains publicly owned, invested on average nearly 35 per cent more per household than English water companies, according to researchers at Greenwich University.

In 2018, Michael Gove, environment secretary at the time, said that England’s nine regional water and sewerage companies had paid out 95 per cent of their profits to shareholders between 2007 and 2016.Privatisation was always an odd step, and no other country has copied England.

Clean water is a vital public service wherever you are. This was shown by the tragedy of Flint, Michigan in the US, when an attempt to save money by tapping a contaminated river in 2014 led to residents being poisoned. Four government officials resigned and the water company Veolia was sued over its failure to admit that there was lead in the supply.

The English scandal is sewage. Last year, Southern Water pleaded guilty to knowingly permitting noxious matter to enter rivers and seas for almost six years. Running its treatment plans below capacity, it had dumped raw sewage into protected seas, contaminating shellfish and acting with what the judge said was “a wholesale disregard for the environment, for delicate ecosystems and . . . human health”.

Incredibly, despite this outrage, water companies still self-report pollution “incidents”. The government recently claimed that “high levels of self-reporting demonstrate transparency and honesty”, and that without it, public agencies would “be reliant on third parties to report when things have gone wrong”. But the environment agency says companies report only 77 per cent of incidents — which doesn’t seem like a “high level”.Moreover, it is only thanks to third parties — including the musician Feargal Sharkey, the Rivers Trust, Surfers Against Sewage and independent scientists who have paddled out and taken samples — that the scale of the horror has been exposed. They have been the true guardians of our environment.

The official watchdogs have failed. When the chief executive of Ofwat, the regulator, appeared on BBC radio this week, he sounded like a lobbyist for the water industry. David Black dismissed critics as confused and claimed that net investment had increased fourfold since privatisation. Yet Ofwat’s own website says that investment has only “roughly doubled” in that time. And FT analysis suggests that water companies have cut investment in critical infrastructure by a fifth since the 1990s.

Despite Black’s protestations that the sector is “difficult to understand”, it was not hard to anticipate that climate change and population growth would increase demand for water. But the sector has not built a single large reservoir in England for 30 years.

There are only two things which are really difficult to understand: the complex web of ownership, which now includes sovereign wealth funds and private equity, and why Ofwat has been so supine.

On leaks, the regulator is simply not ambitious enough. The industry is largely meeting the targets set — but those are far less demanding than those achieved in Germany and Denmark. On pollution, the judge in the Southern Water case reflected that previous penalties had made no difference to the company’s behaviour.

As customers, we are captives with nowhere else to go. When Thames Water unexpectedly landed me with a whopping bill a while ago, its staff were perfectly polite. But it took time for them to accept that the cause of escalating use might be a leak, not a sudden desire by every member of my family to take baths all day. The man who finally visited, far from using “modern surveillance technologies”, simply peered into a hole in the pavement outside my house where, it turned out, some ancient equipment had broken. It took a long time to get my money back.Rather than issuing fines which may just get passed on to customers, the answer is surely to make the water companies bid for a licence to operate, against stringent criteria. We must also stop Ofwat setting what its chief executive calls “challenging but achievable targets” — a phrase which gives the game away. And we should let Sharkey or another campaigner chair the regulator. Only such radical moves will stop the drip-drip of bad news turning into a torrent"
Th Times article ( and others) aren't much more than "ain't it awful" plays.
Well, yes it it, but buying out those foreign owners would be expensive if done in one go.

Could there be Pay Review Boards set up to measure the performance of the companies and control the remuneration, I wonder. They would need power to inspect and audit all contracts, and technical assessments required to measure performance of water quality, pollution, etc. Gov would need partial ownership.
Th Times article ( and others) aren't much more than "ain't it awful" plays.
Well, yes it it, but buying out those foreign owners would be expensive if done in one go.

So let the companies fail and pick them up on the cheap.
The sooner your hero, Sir Kier, comes charging in on that white horse to put everything right, the better as far as you’re concerned eh? ;)

KS has always got the Brexit defence to call on;

"It'll be fine in the long run; it'll take a few decades to see the benefits though" (y);)
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