
  1. G

    Brick chimney - does it need to come down?

    My neighbours and I have had issues with a gutter and now had a roofer come and look at it. Without going into the whole thing in detail, he’s said this chimney has completely shot brickwork and says it needs to be taken down or it might fall down. Any brickwork experts here with an opinion on...
  2. C

    Step Stair Cracks in external Brickwork / Thermal Expansion,Shrinkage or Subsidence?

    Looking for some advice if possible. We've noticed a few cracks (photos attached) on the external walls of our property and would like to get others' opinions. We are located in Essex, where most homes are built on clay. The site was previously scrubland, so we believe our house and others in...
  3. C

    Cupboard for Garden Tap - grateful for any general advice

    In the winter just gone, we had the outdoor tap burst and didn't notice for weeks. This ran up a big water bill, and caused water-damage to the kitchen units on the other side of the wall (which fortunately were already water-damaged), but hopefully it hasn't done anything worse to the...
  4. D

    new extention poor brickwork advice

    hi i have had a extention built and the pics are the outcome, to me it looks very messy, can brickies reply letting me know what has happened and the best way to fix it please my first issue is the differant colour morter in the top left corner, the bricky claims it dried out to fast, but the...
  5. M

    damp brickwork at bottom of wall?

    Hello, I am considering buying a house but noticed the bottom of the walls appears damp and damaged (see photo). I am concerned as this a pretty new house (built 2010) so am surprised to see this. Is it something to be concerned about and what is the best cause of action? thanks, Maffy. ps...
  6. L

    Garage leak through ceiling

    We've had issues with our garage ceiling since we moved into our new build Almost 4 years later now....I's still leaking after being repaired numerous times, they are still repairing it...must be in the 15/16th attempt. I know it's hard to tell without seeing it, but here is some...
  7. M

    Victorian foundations: is their any point fixing the brickwork in this cellar?

    Hi All Cellar of Midterrace Victorian (likely 1905 ish), not used for anything at all (currently empty) other than hosting the electric board and meter. We're having the front repointed, should we seize the opportunity to repoint the cellar too? One guy said he could render + put insulation, I...
  8. B

    Crack above bay window

    Hi, looking for some advice on getting the crack above my bay window fixed. I’ve added a picture of it. One contractor has quoted me £300 for using hex bars to stabilise the wall and repoint it. Another has quoted £1790 to do the work and advised that extra work may need to be done on the...
  9. Avoidingdisaster

    Reconstructing original fireplace opening

    Hello all, I would love a couple of pointers please ‍(y) I live in a 1980’s built house with an external chuted brick/block built fireplace. It has already had one modification done to it prior to me moving in, the original was a floor to lintel opening - using a redbank lintel (I excavated...
  10. D

    Steel Beam wider than Cavity Wall - Extension

    Hi Currently have a builder doing an extension on my home and it requires a 305 steel being installed on posts. My aim/instruction was to 'hide' the beam but putting it higher in the property and the floor joists will then run into it. We have a 305mm steel beam but the cavity wall is 1980s...
  11. T

    Brickwork joints

    Hi all, Just a bit of advice, are 30mm mortar joints acceptable within tolerance. It’s a new build and I am concerned about the safety of building.
  12. J

    Render or replace spalled brickwork?

    Hello! I am a new homeowner and completely lost in the dark. I have noticed some spalled brickwork at the bottom of my side wall. No damp on the inside, think they’re just old and weathered. Any advice? Do they need to be removed? Or could I get away with repointing and the getting render on...
  13. J

    Attempt to build a brickwork retaining wall - Tips - helps advice needed

    Hi Everyone, I`m rising my patio to make more large area to the same level and need to build an L shape retaining wall 750mm tall. We have used a bricklayer for some job in the past but look like they have now completely lost their mind. Waiting time 2 month from we book them in and cost...
  14. J

    Badly cracked and loose brick wall

    In the process of renovating an 1810 bungalow (cottage). Having ripped some plasterboard off the wall I was greeted with this horror show. This was the original exterior wall of the house. It was all very damp because there used to be a toilet here and a previous builder decided to just lay DPM...
  15. J

    Back boiler remova

    I’ve recently moved house and currently in the process of removing back boiler (works on wood) from fire place. I’ve had a plumber disconnect all the water. Was hoping someone could offer some advice on removing the brick work that sits on the top of the back boiler? Would this brick work be...
  16. L


    Hi there, looking for some advice on repointing work. last summer we got a guy in to repoint the parts of our house that he said needed doing, and he did a great job. However, we had no idea that it would make the house look so patchy (see first pic) so got him back in this week and basically...
  17. O

    Garden Brick Wall help....

    Hi everyone! I've just bought my first house, and it needs a lot of work, so no doubt I will be posting on here a fair bit. My first and main concern is the garden wall. It looks knackered to me, I don't know what to do. Basically, I want to re-point it, and potentially build it up by 2-3...
  18. M

    2 storey extension - is this brickwork ok?

    Hi everyone, a newbie here, just in the process of having an extension finished. Putting together a list of issues to be fixed. Aesthetically I’m not happy with the brickwork, have raised this but hit a blank wall! am I being unduly picky? I don’t mean to be . Abs I’m thinking of using a...
  19. W

    Exterior paint

    Hi Can anyone recommend a black exterior waterproof paint for brickwork? Its not to make the entire house black, just for the bottom few courses Thanks
  20. S

    Crumbling/spalling brickwork - DIY or hire a pro?

    Hi all, I have some crumbling brickwork on my house (see pictures) that I want to do something about before it worsens and weakens the wall/lets in damp. However, not having any experience of this sort of thing, I've got a few questions: How urgent does the issue look? Is it something that I...