
  1. S

    Hole above door with water ingress

    Afternoon, Just wanting some advice on potential sources and remedies for water ingress that has caused a hole in the plaster above our front door. This hole has appeared after a particularly wet winter, and occasionally drips - particularly if the wind is blowing rain towards the house. We...
  2. CrossWise

    Will a window lintel be ok above French doors?

    Hi, I have purchased an off the shelf French door 2090mm x 1190mm to be fit in place of a window which is around 2000mm wide with the top of the window being around 2200 above the DPC. The house is a mid 70’s build standard cavity wall construction. I want to fit the doors tight to a finished...
  3. TheStrayCat

    Plastering (bonding) over a steel lintel?

    Im a bit concerned about applying bonding directly over a steel lintel holding up an RSJ in regard to cracking... Is there a trick to it or some mesh or a product that is good for these sort of scenarios where movement between 2 different substrates? Really trying to minimize cracking in the...
  4. L

    Possible subsidence or lintel failure?

    We moved into this 1939 house 3 years ago, it’s in an area with trees and hedges at the back of the property the garden is also on a slope and there are drains on the gable end, at the affected side. When we purchased it had been rented out for approx 15 years and nothing alarming came back on...
  5. E

    Possible subsidence in new house

    Hello, we've recently moved into a Victorian mid-terrace house and have become concerned about the number and size of the cracks throughout the property. We had a level 3 survey done before we moved in and they didn't flag anything concerning but caveated that as usual so I don't fully trust...
  6. D

    Which lintel?

    Hello i want to raise the height of the garage door to install a new one. Currently, as shown in the picture attached, there is a 9x4inch timber (double) holding up the bricks above. I want to use a concrete lintel and was told that x2 9x4 inch would be good but could be too large and maybe...
  7. W

    Fireplace prep - woodburner

    Morning all, Looking for some advice on some fireplace work. I'm removing a gas fire and putting a work burner in. Looks like there are two lintels, a main one and a secondary lintel perhaps put in to close the gap for the gas fire. Was this common practise? Any issues in removing the...
  8. S

    Leak through bay lintel, and some cracks

    Hey folks. We've had issues with leaking around this bay before and had 2 different roofers out to do repairs in the last 2 years. The most recent being this repair to the valley, which I've never had much confidence in (the roofers seemed more interested in trying to sell us a new roof than...
  9. D

    Looking for the right person for the job

    Ive been trying to find the right person for this job with little luck. Ive inquired via Checkatrade with a bunch of different trades people but no one is biting. The few builders that have taken a look seem to want to remove the entire door (which is not necessary) or just patch it up (the wood...
  10. L

    Roof and ceiling drooping

    Hello to everyone here, I am very worried right now, we have had our top roof done and scaffolding was used to help the roofers. The scaffolding was put up on the front porch, down the side and on the single storey kitchen roof. The problem is the kitchen roof! The scaffolders were big and heavy...
  11. J

    Fireplace - Gap between lintels into cavity

    Hi, First post so please go easy on me We moved into a new build last year with a wood burning stove and come the winter I was disappointed with the amount of heat the fire kicked out. After some inspection, I noticed within the recess there are two lintels but with about a 4 inch gap...
  12. A

    Another cavity step out question

    Him Just realised I have had 3x SK90 cavity lintels waiting to be used and removing the roof ( single storey extension going to flat roof ) the cavity is only 75. Well, anything from 70 to 90 it seems. With help on here (thanks woody) I’ve stepped in to the main house - looks good - but now...
  13. K

    Removing open fireplace in timber framed bungalow

    Hey all, I'm in the process of removing and blocking up an old open fireplace in my 1960s timber framed bungalow. Single skin brick exterior, suspended timber floors. Having dug out the fireplace, back boiler, hearth and fireback, we removed what turned out to be a 'modern' combined throat...
  14. R

    Steel lintel for patio door

    Anyone know what size and style lintel to go in a 3M wall where the patio door is 2.1M? Previously a window and block
  15. F

    Gable end lintel advice

    Hi all just after some advice please. We have had a side extension and now what was the landing window is to become the door way/hall way. Unfortunately the window is off centre to the required hall way so I've got to put a new lintel in above the window which means it has to be wider. The...
  16. H

    Creating a small opening in cellar wall (FOR ACCESS) - How to support the floor above?

    Hi everyone. I'm hoping someone could give me a bit of advice. I want to create a small opening (no wider than a door's width) in the cellar's internal brick wall. The reason for this is because currently there is no access to the suspended floor below and I want to access it so that it's so...
  17. B

    Lintel on top of 1000mm of concrete around pipe

    I've posed this question to my Structural Engineer, just awaiting feedback. In the meantime, I would be curious to hear opinions.... The pipe is at the very BOTTOM of the foundations. So essentially, the concrete fill goes around each side of it and cures, creating a bridge. Logic dictates to...
  18. T

    Cracks around concrete lintel

    Hi all I’m a complete novice looking for some advice after spotting some cracking around a concrete lintel on a dormer bungalow (mid 60s built). Is this something I should be concerned about? Recently spotted it although there’s no telling how long it’s been there. It can be seen both...
  19. Dee12345

    Steel lintel under existing concrete lintel

    Hi All, Quick question please just want to make sure there isn't an issue with this or maybe there is a much simpler solution than putting a steel lintel under the current concrete lintel Garage conversation so removing the garage door and replacing with a back door and window. Currently above...
  20. R

    Quote for two Lintels

    I have a problem with two windows in the gable end of my semi-detached property. The 1947 property does not have lintels and s such and uses upright "soldier" bricks above the window. The bricks in one of the windows are now bowing out slightly from the wall due to excessive pressure (more than...