A religion history lesson needed

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I don't think so.

It's unnecessary.

Easy to remember -
Adding 'un' to 'necessary', and
very few words in English with double 'c' and lots with double 's'. (y)

I was referring to the 2 M's in Mormon........:mrgreen:, in the above sentence.....and remove the 'why' (y)
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That's handy.
Does that mean there can never be an update as no one will ever be believed?

You don't believe Joseph Smith saw god, Jesus and an angel, then? It is written that he did.
Lots of people do believe it. Where did the golden plates come from?

What's the difference between those writings and the ones you keep quoting?

The good news doesn’t need updating....the cross was the updating
It may not need it - so do you believe it can't/won't happen?

Does that mean you don't believe Jesus will return?

What would happen, then, if god, Jesus or an angel did 'come down'?
Whoever met them would be considered as nutters by the present believers as well as non-believers.
You could miss out on a good thing.

It's a good job there are no flaws the arguments otherwise it would be difficult to accept.
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It may not need it - so do you believe it can't/won't happen?

Does that mean you don't believe Jesus will return?

What would happen, then, if god, Jesus or an angel did 'come down'?
Whoever met them would be considered as nutters by the present believers as well as non-believers.
You could miss out on a good thing.

It's a good job there are no flaws the arguments otherwise it would be difficult to accept.

The book of acts covers some of this...I am on my iPad so I can’t easily cut and paste the relevant motifs.
However if you look up parousia on google it does cover that event
It’s messianic AND Muslim beliefs in case of historical theology
Remember these beliefs were tied into Judaism and the belief there would be 2 messiahs
The son of David and the son of Joseph
Judeo Christian theology of the time in the transition from the days Jesus was alive to the theology of Paul...the letters..written before the gospels were , the idea of two messiahs became the same one..twice.. so making Jesus THE MESSIAH....and due to return etc
The real good news for Christians is the crucifixion and the atonement of sin through the shedding of innocent blood..as they did in the temple..only this time it was once only for all, for all time
Ah. Of course. Silly me.
Did you look it up?
You would get stronger in you unbelief then since it is pretty hard to believe for Christians as well
Does anybody have any evidence of the existence of gods?

Real evidence I mean, not rephrased expressions of theories yet to be proven by the existence of real evidence.

Also, does anybody have any rational explanation of why people should stop believing in all the various gods which have been proposed over time apart from one, and stop short of continuing the logical progression of stopping believing in all of them?
Is the whole thing much simpler.................what has been written down is mostly accounts of things that are secondhand or subject to embellishment or forgotten/ misunderstood / manipulated historical accounts.

The whole thing relies on us to have blind faith, therefore there is no need for proof and obviously trying to find it shows that we don't have that faith.

Or have I missed the point?

You have missed the point about whether we should tolerate people lying about there being evidence, or whether we should challenge them. Or ideally get them banned for lying.
The human psychology makes some people more vehement about what they believe to be correct and those types will go the extra mile to persuade you that what they say is correct. In the same way that car owners believe their brand is better than another's. Religion seems to have the effect of amplifying that perceived correctness (a bit like alcahol does to our emotions).
I wonder how many Buddists/ Muslims/ Hindu's/ Seikh's etc have converted to a different religion due to not finding any proof.
None, I imagine, because they formed their beliefs with no logic, reason, rationality or evidence being involved.
There is a god ? or there is according to a neighbour who used to live here . Late at night you could here her calling out to god

"Oh god " "Oh god keep going don't stop" were her usual words , it was generally followed by a grunt of agreement from her old man ;)
That's handy.
Does that mean there can never be an update as no one will ever be believed?

You don't believe Joseph Smith saw god, Jesus and an angel, then? It is written that he did.
Lots of people do believe it. Where did the golden plates come from?

What's the difference between those writings and the ones you keep quoting?

the new testament is complete, it has every thing we need, joseph smith has added changed his own interpretation of the scriptures , and tries to back it up by saying he saw an angel or wat ever, he may of seen an angel but not one from God. as said, satan can appear as an angel of light, that's why the apostles warned about it, in there letters.
I don't know were the golden plate came from, but its all part of his deception.
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