And The Choice Is....

Farage will win.

Brexit Party = Leave.

Good point, well made. All true Brexers who want no-deal, with no free trade to Europe, no votes in the EU, no say in defining the regulations, and no right to travel to Europe for work, must certainly vote for the Brexer party.
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17.5 million voters betrayed. Nothing but delays and treachery since the 2016 referendum.
Farage will win.

Tory = Remain.
Labour = Remain
Unliberal undemocrats = Remain
Greens = Remain.
Brexit Party = Leave.

17.4 million voters will spend the rest of their lives without the brexit they were promised.

Thats the problem with fantasies
Dumplum is unconcerned by the breakup of the UK caused by Brexers like himself.
Is Nicola Sturgeon a "Brexer" ? She is intent on dismantling the UK at any cost.

Johnson is intent on breaking up the UK at any cost (y)

I agree with your point about Sturgeon, the arguments used for Scottish independence have the same level of stupidity and lack of reasoning as UK leaving EU.

Its dumb nationilst agenda driven by falsehoods.
Is Nicola Sturgeon a "Brexer" ? She is intent on dismantling the UK at any cost.

The UK through Brexit is giving her a helping hand.

Brexxers want indepedence for no other reason that second hand nostalgia. Well the Scots want it also and maybe in time the Welsh.

This is what you voted for, if you didn't think it through well tough.
In Johnson's case it is possibility the UK will break up , but it is not what he seeks, but in Sturgeon's case, it's her raison d'etre .
Was not the tory promise in the Scottish independence referendum campaign that the only way that Scotland would be guaranteed to remain in the EU was by staying in the UK?

The situation has of course changed, but a second independence referendum would not be on the cards if it wasn't for a brexit vote that Scotland didn't agree with!
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