Another Spanish quarantine.

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Correct. BMF is a massive attention seeker. He knows where I live too.:rolleyes:
Threat of violence is all he knows..Still like a kid in the playground,bullying and trying to ""outgross everyone" with his mad nonsense.No chance on here.
Threat of violence is all he knows..Still like a kid in the playground,bullying and trying to ""outgross everyone" with his mad nonsense.No chance on here.
get a room haters. keyboard bubble wrap babies ,thinking the world wont get them .
Threat of violence is all he knows..Still like a kid in the playground,bullying and trying to ""outgross everyone" with his mad nonsense.No chance on here.
if i was ever the bullying type it would be in the playground, not sat in a dark room , trolling people with my d!ck in my hand.
Threat of violence is all he knows..Still like a kid in the playground,bullying and trying to ""outgross everyone" with his mad nonsense.No chance on here.
you mistake my honesty and truth for anger. if you don’t like the truth ‘ignore’
You will be ecstatic if 600k people die????? FFS MAN .What a desperate attention seeker you are.
yes delirious with happiness. that’s a fair chunk of materialism and hateful self satisfaction gone right there. 600,000 idiots the world can do without.
yes delirious with happiness. that’s a fair chunk of materialism and hateful self satisfaction gone right there. 600,000 idiots the world can do without.
As said Benny.You can push your limits of stupidity and nonsense as far as you like,you are not going to offend ,gross me out or shock,particularly me.All you achieve is proving to everyone how numb you like to portray yourself as.
you mistake my honesty and truth for anger. if you don’t like the truth ‘ignore’
Lmao..not anger,just attention seeking or boredom maybe,you are probably quite a likeable chap really,why would I ignore you,characters like you are quite entertaining,reminds me of my school days.
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