Another Spanish quarantine.

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Get a room you two.

Sorry, I meant boxing ring. :ROFLMAO:
The very sad part of it is that I was criticising Ihavenojob's position in victim blaming.
I hadn't given any thought to sodthisforfun's attitude.
That fact either passed right over her head, and/or she was becoming aware of her abusive behaviour, and assumed I was referring to her.
Instead of taking stock of her behaviour, it would appear she has doubled down on it.

As far as I have seen, there have only been a few posters on here, who have thought it necessary to distance themselves from their previous incarnation, due to, I assume, a feeling of shame because of their behaviour.
Sodthisforfun is one of them, and I have seen an example of her behaviour in her previous incarnation, and it wasn't pretty.

Edit. My apologies might be in order, they might not. The other two posters, of whom I am aware, that reincarnated themselves, kept their original username, although the action of reinventing themselves put any search on their previous incarnation beyond the search facility. Sodthisforfun did not keep her original username. Therefore there is no apparent connection, other than the obvious repetitive phraseology and behaviour, to her previous incarnation.
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No need. Only got to call him an idiot and he'll run off crying :LOL:
Just to clarify, it wasn't and isn't your persistent and continuous abuse that causes me dissatisfaction with this site.
Although, sadly it does indicate that this site has some posters that are particularly unfriendly and abusive.
It was the use of an abhorrent and overt racist term used by ReganAndCarter, that the mods allowed to remain, that causes me the greatest dissatisfaction with the site.
Just to clarify, it wasn't and isn't your persistent and continuous abuse that causes me dissatisfaction with this site.
Although, sadly it does indicate that this site has some posters that are particularly unfriendly and abusive.
It was the use of an abhorrent and overt racist term used by ReganAndCarter, that the mods allowed to remain, that causes me the greatest dissatisfaction with the site.
Yes, you flounced off, declaring you wanted nothing to do with the place in a faux outrage. But, true to form, you slithered back - just like you've done every time you've been banned. You've a massive sense of entitlement, you're underhand and a liar and yet you cry 'ABUSE' when you're called an idiot when you're being an idiot though in all your incarnations on here you've been quick to do similar. The hypocrisy is very amusing :) !!
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Fortunate indeed.
It isn't just about self-confidence to be able to deflect the insults so easily.
It's also about being aware that, as far as abuse or cyber-bullying is concerned, it says more about the attitude and behaviour of the abuser than it does about the abused.

Coincidentally, when others join in the abuse, insults and cyber bullying, it is often out of loyalty. If they value loyalty over integrity, that's up to them.
I, personally, value logic over tribalism.
I'm not asking you to shut up. I'm responding to your request that I shut up.
If you want me to shut up because you don't want to read my comments, then ignore them.
To continue to read my comments, and ask me to shut up is counter-intuitive.
Says the conspiracy theorist :LOL::LOL:
You have yet to prove that a voiced suspicion is a conspiracy theory.
Simply calling it a conspiracy theory does not make it so.

I might have a suspicion that you are not female, it doesn't make it a conspiracy theory.
Otherwise, your suspicion that I have been banned and I am a previous poster is also a conspiracy theory.
You haven't really thought this one through.
You have yet to prove that a voiced suspicion is a conspiracy theory.
Simply calling it a conspiracy theory does not make it so.

I might have a suspicion that you are not female, it doesn't make it a conspiracy theory.
Otherwise, your suspicion that I have been banned and I am a previous poster is also a conspiracy theory.
You haven't really thought this one through.
Have you actually thought at all before writing this? It's hilarious!
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