Another sponging parasite detected and ordered to seek work

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Government tells woman she's fit to work - despite being blind, epileptic and unable to leave home
Hazel Macrae has been declared fit for work - despite being blind since birth and stricken by a string of disabilities"

Thank goodness the tory government has made life harder for these evil people claiming to be unfit.

"She cannot leave without the help of her partner or son because she is afraid of falling, can’t use a pen or pencil, telephone, and would be unable to “move safely” in a workplace.

Hazel was claiming Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and was told she’d have to undertake a back to work assessment."

"Two years ago the Department for Work and Pensions said Hazel could go back to work and after losing an appeal was forced to take them to a tribunal, which she later won.

She said: “My health hasn’t got any better since two years ago so I don’t know why this has happened.

“I think I’m going to have to go to a tribunal again and I’m so stressed out by it.

“It is just so horrible. They don’t even send you the letters in braille, my partner has to read them.”"

She filled in a questionnaire and was also required to meet with a health professional to undergo a face-to-face assessment where she was asked a series of questions about her daily activities."

"Miss Macrae, who has artificial eyes, will now have to regularly meet with a work coach to discuss how she can get back into work.

She said: “They think they can support me back into work but I can’t do it.

“There are no jobs that I can do. They have said that I can use my hands and I’m expected to apply for all jobs going.

“They asked me if I can move my hands and I said yes.

“I can’t even make a cup of tea myself because of the boiling water."
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While on the subject on sponging parasites:

"Government tells woman she's fit to work - despite being blind, epileptic and unable to leave home
Hazel Macrae has been declared fit for work - despite being blind since birth and stricken by a string of disabilities"

Thank goodness the tory government has made life harder for these evil people claiming to be unfit.

"She cannot leave without the help of her partner or son because she is afraid of falling, can’t use a pen or pencil, telephone, and would be unable to “move safely” in a workplace.

Hazel was claiming Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and was told she’d have to undertake a back to work assessment."

"Two years ago the Department for Work and Pensions said Hazel could go back to work and after losing an appeal was forced to take them to a tribunal, which she later won.

She said: “My health hasn’t got any better since two years ago so I don’t know why this has happened.

“I think I’m going to have to go to a tribunal again and I’m so stressed out by it.

“It is just so horrible. They don’t even send you the letters in braille, my partner has to read them.”"

She filled in a questionnaire and was also required to meet with a health professional to undergo a face-to-face assessment where she was asked a series of questions about her daily activities."

"Miss Macrae, who has artificial eyes, will now have to regularly meet with a work coach to discuss how she can get back into work.

She said: “They think they can support me back into work but I can’t do it.

“There are no jobs that I can do. They have said that I can use my hands and I’m expected to apply for all jobs going.

“They asked me if I can move my hands and I said yes.

“I can’t even make a cup of tea myself because of the boiling water."

Labour allowed over 1 million illegal sponging parasites to enter the country. Someone has to pay.
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Ive always thought the PIP testing is an apalling and unfair way to try and save on benefit payments.

These really are some of the most vulnerable in society and they should be protected.

However the other side of the coin is that there are too many Jeremy Kyle show types that spawn children like confetti :LOL:
Ounce upon a time (may be ?) depts would look for a reason to help you , now its look for a reason not to help you.

There should be a degree or some type of qualification in "common sense" . The country is drowning in pencil pushers & paper shufflers.

Councils , local goverment , politicians who dunno the price of milk, administraters etc ect

if the OP's post is accurate then some one should get a kick up the arris , big time
If I ever won big on the lottery . I would find out were the big I am , in my council lives, or some other faceless beuracrat who stuck his nose into bussiness , or upset me

Buy the house next door to him , move a load of migrants into it rent free , & there sole remit would be to make his life a kin misery.

He or she would find out the meaning of the term "anti social behaviour" :LOL:
Ounce upon a time (may be ?) depts would look for a reason to help you , now its look for a reason not to help you.

I wonder who it is that passed the laws they are obliged to enforce.

Let me think.

Ah yes! The tory government!

What a shame you didn't know.
the dwp dropped the case against her

...earlier today, after it had got into the press and achieved universal condemnation, they didn't "drop their case", they backed down, you mean.

If you know somebody to blame, other than the government which passed these oppressive laws, I'm sure you'll try to bluff your buddies out of their shame.
Labour allowed over 1 million illegal sponging parasites to enter the country

And Blunket has just admitted that he was complicit in letting so many in. They knew it'd be more than 13000 migrants, and were hoping that Germany would take some of them; which soulds like an excuse, because the other countries imposed controls, and Blicket didn't.

But as you say, John has a hatred of the Tories that completely overshadows anything that the Labour did to create the situation in the first place.
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