Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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It seems the whole population has its hand over there ears singing lalala. How does none of that seem dodgy to more people its in plain sight what is going on, jab-u-likes say "conspiracy nut jobs" but you don't have to go looking for a conspiracy - its right there in front of you.
I haven't seen a conspiracy.

Definitely see nutjobs
There isn’t a considerable rise, that’s just fact.
So its half useless then - nice

The main purpose of the covid vaccine was to reduce severity of symptoms.

Just because it didn’t reduce infection or transmission to nothing does not make it useless.

Please try to take a more analytical view

What has that got to do with covid vaccine?

It’s more than likely due to covid
The vaccines were pushed on claiming you could not get infected and pass it on, therefore you were entitled to freedom. Stop revising history.

No they weren't.
Did you forget this.

What has that got to do with covid vaccine?

It’s more than likely due to covid
i see you are struggling with what was written earlier in the thread so yet again you bump your gums in reply to something you clearly havent read properly. glad you agree though that over 20% is a considerable rise
How is a man who wasn't in power in any country during COVID relevant to this discussion on a UK forum?

Its amazing you can dig up obscure images but not find any statistics or numbers to justify your position. It's almost as if you decided on the conclusion and then went looking for justification!
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