Benefits fraudsters

Libby, i sympathise with you i really do and hope you get all the help you need and deserve but this guy has said he is OK, he has said this for years and from memory its been a good 4 years that i've known him and he looks fine to me. He will not work until they catch up with him, this isn't the response of a sick person but IMO from a benefit cheat.

I can't comment whether youre a benefit cheat or not, i don't know you and never met you!

The difference between you and him are you recognise you still have a problem, HE recognises that the longer it takes for them to catch up with him the better, one would also have to question whether there was anything wrong with him in the first place
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He may have come to grips with his simple life - put him back in work and he may well capitulate again. There are worse cases than him around. Would you employ him?
He may have come to grips with his simple life - put him back in work and he may well capitulate again.

So your answer is to leave him be, on benefits for the rest of his life, without trying to see if he'll capitulate?

The only thing he has come to terms with is that he will carry on claiming until they catch up with him
Yes. Leave him be. There aren't enough jobs for everyone. He's not working and claiming so he's not really a fraudster. Would you employ him? (how many times must I ask?).
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Yes. Leave him be. There aren't enough jobs for everyone. He's not working and claiming so he's not really a fraudster. Would you employ him? (how many times must I ask?).

I don't own a company so no!

There are plenty of jobs layabouts like him could do, he could sweep the streets, pick leaves up in the park, he could do charity work etc etc
If you did own a company would you employ him?
Under new laws introduced recently, this man could theoretically apply for a job, then when he didn't get the job, take the prospective employer to court for not getting the job because of his health problems.

How many employers these days are even going to risk giving someone with health problems an interview??

Unfair I know, but being realistic,,, How many employers would set someone on with health problems?

I bet it won't be too long before we are seeing litigious claims for this reason alone, then employers will either cut back on recruitment or filter unhealthy people out at the application stage. It will be written into contracts that a failure to mention health problems on the application form could lead to dismissal if later found that the employee had health problems before being hired.
there are always excuses and sob stories for people who rely on the state - where do we draw the line? it's in the worng place at the moment. there must be some compassion, but people will take the **** if they are allowed to.

i work very hard - long hours, hard physical and mentally draining work (i admit i enjoy it!). i pay the tax my accountant tells me to pay and get not a single penny back from the state - i watch the aforementioned state ****ing money at 'good causes' the bloody sunday enquiry? £400,000,000 that one came in at - what a value for money exercise that was - the short version - some soldiers did do the shooting but no one is going to be prosecuted. is everyone happy now? no? you want ANOTHER enquiry?????? are you with al qaeda or what?

i have no pension as i can't afford to pay into one, yet a house i was renting to dss had apple computers, a bose sound system - two decent cars parked outside and the nasty piece of work husband who was the one supposedly disabled did roofing work (?!!!????) and played golf.

the roofing work i knew about because he was working for the next door neighbour (ironically 2 coppers) and did a very neat job, and the golf i knew about as he forgot to take his clubs with him and had to come back to collect them as he left them in my garage.

all this after playing the system for all it was worth and costing me a packet more to involve a solicitor to evict him.

a friend works at job centre - she meets some truly good people who want to work (who she can't help) and she also meets the scroungers - stories of whom sometimes make my toes curl.

karma will see them right :unsure: we can only hope
if he told you about his previous health problems would you hire him?

If the job was for an unskilled worker and he had a back to work note stating what jobs he COULD do and the particular job vacancy in question fitted that then he would be considered
Even if there were fitter and healthier applicants?
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