Brexit - a reality check!

Well, nosy has posted a week old article
First it was the wrong news source now its timing is an issue. Lol.

Get over it filly, Germany is pizzing over all the UK in terms of growth and financial success and probably always will be a world leader in that respect. Meanwhile we have shi££y Brexit and all the dross politicians that are dragged along with it. Hip hip..
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Well one has to admit that Germany
Was run by politicians ( merkel) who
We’re clued up
And had the foresight to do a deal with Russia over gas
Imagine Brexit fell under the Consumer Rights Act.....


SK "Yes, Sir, how can I help you?"

C "Hello, I was sold this Brexit here and I'm bringing it back because it doesn't appear to be working."

SK "Hmm, let me take a look...."

C "It was supposed to provide £350M every week for the NHS.

It was supposed to be an oven-ready deal, but it just looks and smells like a bag of 5hit.

We were supposed to get fantastic trade deals, but the person in charge skived off a scrutiny meeting because none of the trade deals were anywhere as good as claimed.

These trade deals were supposed to mean free-flowing movement without huge charges, mountains of paperwork or long queues.

I was told we would be free of Draconian EU food safety regulations, that turned out to be developed by us and have not changed at all.

We were told we could have our blue (black?) passports back (designed by a Franco/Dutch company and produced in Poland), be able to use imperial measurements and to put a symbol of our beloved Lizzie back onto pub glasses.

The latter two we could have done before leaving.

So, as you can see, the product is not fit for purpose."

SK "Sir, I am told that things will get better, given time."

C "I can't see how. The systems are broken. Lies and deceit were used to sell this product and it was very shoddily put together."

Now, at this point, you would be requesting a full refund.

But we can't undo Brexit. People voted on the basis of a load of downright lies. "Get over it, you lost" does not come into it. Brexit was grossly mis-represented, mis-sold, was not fit for purpose and (if it were a product or service for sale) broke the Trades Descriptions Act. Multiple times over.

If you read the story of Brexit in a magazine in, let's say 2010, you would have come to the conclusion that that level of deception and skulduggery could only have come from a shady government in a country you have never heard of.

Brexit is nothing to be proud of. We haven't got anything better than we had before. On the contrary, things have got worse. And without changes to the systems, they will not get better.

Brexiteers were lied to. Remainers were lied to. We were all stitched up, like that kipper Joris was waving around.

How does that make you feel?

There is one man to blame for the lorries backed up in Dover: Boris Johnson​

The headline is only partially correct. Camoron must share an equal part of the blame for initiating this diasterous act of economic self harm.
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So much winning.
I genuinely believe there will be benefits. Not enough to make it the best choice but there will be some.
Would be good to actually see some. Despite asking for them, nobody can produce any.
There was a long list shown recently but turned out it was wrong.
Like that’s ever going to happen! Our daughter in law went to Barcelona a few weeks ago. Did a self test before she went, all clear. No so-called covid tests required, just ticked a box on entry saying she was clear and that was it. Came back with covid!
Like that’s ever going to happen! Our daughter in law went to Barcelona a few weeks ago. Did a self test before she went, all clear. No so-called covid tests required, just ticked a box on entry saying she was clear and that was it. Came back with covid!
You will need a visa for travel to EU, it was known at the referendum.
You just dont believe it ?

I caught covid whilst in the UK, its not an EU disease
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