C̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ Czech your mates

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There is of course known cases or incidents of serving labour MPs who were paid spy's for former communist states ;)

So labour do have a history of this caper
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Which Conservative government minister did that? Do tell. Or are you just spouting nonsense as usual?

I remember a Conservative Minister who had a very undesirable relationship with a young woman connected with Russian agents. I don't think he was paid in money though. Is he the one you mean?
Dunno about conservative this was a labour minister there has been 2 other cases of serving labour MPs in the pay of commie country's :)
do please show us the evidence for your strange claim "handing over info on Nato troop movements , plans for air craft & being paid to do it"

Or are you just spouting nonsense as usual?

And I'll gladly remind you of the name of the Tory minister I mentioned.
The Tory u are referring to is John Profumo minister of war who had an affair with Christine keeler

He was not a spy or in the pay of any commie country
You fail to show any evidence. No doubt you are just spouting nonsense as usual.

do please show us the evidence for your strange claim "handing over info on Nato troop movements , plans for air craft & being paid to do it".
I remember there was a labour MP that was paid £20,000 by an Iranian propaganda TV station

A TV station banned in this country due to its human rights violations
Well I will need to check with my source to ask there permission prior to releasing the information to u

As to be honest u are a bit of a loose canon and cannot be trusted with sensitive info bit like many Labour Party activists :LOL:
No doubt you are just spouting nonsense as usual.
In 480 BC Ephialtes betrayed the Spartans. But this is 2018 not 480 BC or even the 1960's. So yeah, trawling history is a bit tenuous to defend treachery going on today.

And if you can't see the difference between some normal MP just taking money for commercial or personal gain, to an MP who aspires to lead the whole UK, passing information to a foreign power who was at the time an enemy of the UK, then you are an even bigger fool than your other posts allude to.
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