cash for gold. WHY!!!!

15 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
why now?
well it seems the US ecconomy is as the dollar, is about to globally collapse.
people with money trashing everything into gold.
scarey :eek: :eek:
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Is the Dollar collapsing because its the currency oil is bought with and oil is running out so no call for the dollar.
What do you think JOE.
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Is the Dollar collapsing because its the currency oil is bought with and oil is running out so no call for the dollar.
What do you think JOE.

the dollar, is the international currency, now its bankcrupt, russia and china want to see another to replace it :confused:
ughh its so terrible. I am from the US and am definitely seeing the effects of a weaker dollar...
Why now? It is nothing new. Jewellers all over the country have always been than happy to pay out cash for 'scrap' gold. However, some clever dick has now realised that there is a lot of money to be made via tv advertising from the misfortune and destitution of their fellow men with their cash for gold offers. Others have simply jumped on the bandwagon.
It must be very difficult for the person who is desperate for cash to open the envelope, see the readies and then decide to send the money back.

I have been in a similar situation. Forty years ago I inherited a small amount of jewellery. I took it to a local jeweller and was offered and accepted the scrap value of about £150. Two or three days later one of the items was in the window with a price tag of £750.

Perhaps the big difference today is that anyone who can lay his hands on gold by whatever means can now get it changed into cash. Remember to lock your doors and windows tonight.
It's is obvious who the advertising is aimed at just from how patronising the adverts are.

"Send us your gold and we'll send you some money.

You can use money to buy things like a new TV or a car"

I know how money works FFS :rolleyes:
Send us your gold and we'll send you some money

So your the fat spotty one in the mobile phones 4 cash advert!

Anyway, I find these adverts utterly awful.

One has that mad old couple, scurrying around their house looking for gold like rats after cheese, then dancing in a shower of £20's. It is truly an awful piece of television making, and makes me so angry. Look at their house. How did these two people, who look like tramps, end up in that mansion? Lets be realistic, film them in a high-rise flat in some godforsaken council estate, or looking at the state of him, in a dual carriageway underpass begging.

Another advert has a right boring bloke sat there in an office talking about gold values. <yawn> zzzzzz A great advert, it actually makes me fall asleep so I dont have to watch it.
Another advert has a right boring bloke sat there in an office talking about gold values. <yawn> zzzzzz A great advert, it actually makes me fall asleep so I dont have to watch it.

I think its supposed to appeal to the red top readers :rolleyes:
wonder if the crooks will cash in with false hallmarking?
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