Covid passes to be introduced.

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Do you know what 'reduce' means?

EFLI seems to be the one failing to understand simple words.

Please show where it is proved that infections among the vaccinated are reduced by 99%

That 99% is perhaps a little exaggerated, though I doubt the cumulative benefit is much less than 99% effective. Whoops a four syllable word - overall effect, better?
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Let's put it another way

Do you deny that vaccines can
Reduce infections?
Reduce transmission?
Reduce severity?
Reduce deaths?

pleased to see that not even EFLI has attempted to deny those facts.

therefore, if you are going to a public place where there will be numbers of people, it is entirely reasonable to try to reduce spread of the disease, and its ill-effects.
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pleased to see that not even EFLI has attempted to deny those facts.

therefore, if you are going to a public place where there will be numbers of people, it is entirely reasonable to try to reduce spread of the disease, and its ill-effects.

Only if you are a 'reasonable person', who can reason and understand risk logically :)
He once posted some unintelligible gibberish on here and had a right hissy fit when he was called out for it. Dementia is cruel.
Just the once? I doubt that.
His hissy fits appear quite frequent.
My word. I seem to have struck a nerve in the propagandists and their lackeys.

I wonder why they are trying so hard to deny the fact that covid passes don't work.
My word. I seem to have struck a nerve in the propagandists and their lackeys.

I wonder why they are trying so hard to deny the fact that covid passes don't work.
Er, because you're so intent in going against obvious logic... perhaps?
My word. I seem to have struck a nerve in the propagandists and their lackeys.

Only in your dreams.. Or perhaps your dreams are rapidly turning to nightmare?

I wonder why they are trying so hard to deny the fact that covid passes don't work.

Your continual bleating and repeating something, will never make it so - it just doesn't work like that. The covid pass works from both a practical point of view, administration point of view and also a disease control point of view. Fortunately, those lacking the pass will suffer lots of exclusion, to the benefit of the majority.

Just how well it works is easy to judge, by the numbers of anti-vaxxers reported to have changed their stance, who are desperately queuing up to get their first jabs. Some centres are remaining open round the clock, in order to address demand.
Just how well it works is easy to judge, by the numbers of anti-vaxxers reported to have changed their stance, who are desperately queuing up to get their first jabs. Some centres are remaining open round the clock, in order to address demand.
The stupidity of these people is tangible. Graveyards are filling with anti-vaxxers.:rolleyes:
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