Credit To K Starmer For Going Live On Air & Stating He'd "Resign If Found Breaching...."

Labour MPs

and former colleagues are already
Plotting against him ;)

the left

the corbynistas
Unite Union

are looking to get rid of him

as for resigning if it comes to it
?? He would have no choice he dug his own grave ;)

You forget to mention the French and the Russians.
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Were the police impartial in the Hillsborough inquiry?
Yes or No???

No. Why? They effed up and might be going to jail so they toughed it out aided and abetted by the Tory government and the Sun. So self-preservation mode was selected. Any threat to them if they act impartially? Yes or No?
Kier Starmer is basically saying he doesn't know if he's done anything wrong. For a barrister I find that particularly hard to accept

No he is playing a clever political strategy.

Starmer has completely stuffed Boris Johnson and his band of liars.
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Saying he will resign if found to have broken rules is a deliberate ploy to put pressure

it’s stuffed Johnson totally

all those Tory supporters screaming “hypocrite” are now looking stupid
People know my stance re politicians.

This is a first for me. This politician and I am no fan of Labour at all, SK has done what no one really expected him to do ie the honourable thing and put his career on the ine. That from a politician deserves praise whatever the intentions.

Ideally, he should have been more careful that ordinary people like me and the family that followed the rules as SK was part of the rule making process ie voted it through


No he is playing a clever political strategy.

Starmer has completely stuffed Boris Johnson and his band of liars.

Deep down in my heart, I always knew that Kier's failure to criticise Boris with any rigour is because he is equally as guilty.

How is he playing the clever game if his resignation puts pressure on Boris to resign & Boris actually resigns? Has mutually assured destruction (MAD) just come into play in UK politics???

We already know that no amount of pressure put on Boris to resign will have any effect whatsoever. This is a man who is a proven liar & proven to be unfit to govern by anyone in possession of a set of moral standards above those of a swamp rat.
No he is playing a clever political strategy.

He's done what he needed to do or face stupid questions for who knows how long just to keep it in the news. Something for the news to pointlessly rattle on and on is what it was all about anyway.

Now the news will wonder and wonder about Durham police. It's already started. Hearing that right now at this very moment.
Well you would be wrong john

The police were not the only ones to blame.. those supporters without tickets and drunk who barged there way in where as much to blame for those poor innocent fans that died that day...
Tory whips are desperately going around telling Tory MPs to tone it down over beergate.


because it’s a win win for Labour.

if Starmer resigns, Labour have the moral high ground - making Johnson look really bad

if Starmer gets cleared, he still has the moral high ground - making Johnson look bad

Tory whips are desperately going around telling Tory MPs to tone it down over beergate.


because it’s a win win for Labour.

if Starmer resigns, Labour have the moral high ground - making Johnson look really bad

if Starmer gets cleared, he still has the moral high ground - making Johnson look bad

Cheers, Einstein:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Starmers setting himself up for an easy way out of a mess, going out doing the 'honorable' thing if he's found to be in the wrong will save him from having to explain his failure as labour leader.

The local elections recently held have shown the public won't put Labour in power as they don't believe in them inspite of the absolute shower the tories are, if he can't win a large amount of seats with a quite large anti tory feeling in the air then he shouldn't be leading the Labour Party but to resign over the election results would be seen as failure whereas going out on his shield won't
You forget to mention the French and the Russians.

good point

could be Russian involvment ?

I don’t think the French scoundrels
Would be involved as they probably prefer starmer to Johnson

imo Macron thinks Johnson is a fruit cake :idea:

apparently according to my mother The Austrians don’t think he is all there :?::?:

she is always asking me as to what’s wrong with him ( mentally ) :)

than again my mother had no idea that dame Edna was a bloke dressed up as a woman :)
could be Russian involvment ?

I don’t think the French scoundrels
Would be involved as they probably prefer starmer to Johnson

Did you know the Russians had rather a lot to do with defeating Napoleon? More people would probably be speaking French if that hadn't worked out.
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