David Frost

2019 48% of UK exports went to EU
2019 7% of EU exports went to UK

you do the math

So are you saying the UK exports more to the EU than the EU exports to the UK....

Or can I smell smoke.
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I don't think they're doing it for our benefit, but to ensure all EU leaders are aware of our position given they've had more pressing matters on their minds.
I'll accept the government doing something helpful even if it's by accident.

I'm just hoping it's not a case of a three page document scrawled in crayon.
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Or can I smell smoke.
No, your sense of smell is just very poor as is your grasp of math's.

If both parties cease trading tomorrow, then the UK will have a hole to fill as will the EU. However, the EU has many trading alternatives to the UK already in place (negotiated), so the pain of replacing 7% is going to be less traumatic than the UK tying to replace 49%. The UK has yet to secure ANY decent trade deals.

It's like them chopping off one of our legs whilst we chop off one of their toes. However, its is also true to say that the UK is one of the most valueable trading countries in Europe, so were not entirely without clout. I think all this talk about us and them and who will blink first is silly and is hyped up for the newspapers.

It doesn't help that we have such a massively anti-EU government, anti-EU press and a voting public still fresh from years of anti-EU doctrine, coupled with a largely truculent UK approach to the negotiation process.
No, your sense of smell is just very poor as is your grasp of math's.

Your right my maths is poor. Now let's deal with the question.. Does the UK export more to the EU than we import from the EU....
Does the UK export more to the EU than we import from the EU....
In terms of percentage or value?

You do understand that when you say 'The EU' you are talking about numerous countries? There is no point making meaningless comparisons. As many have said (whilst banging their heads against a wall) the UK will risk a big chunk of its trade if talks fail. The EU is risking quite a bit less but still an important trade asset.
As usual it's a bit more complex than that !
"...Foreign companies own the rights to catch more than 130,000 tonnes of fish every year that are part of England's fishing quota, research has revealed.

More than £160m worth of the English quota is in the hands of vessels owned by companies based in Iceland, Spain and the Netherlands, thanks to a practice known as "quota-hopping".

That amounts to 55% of the quota's annual value in 2019...

...Many parts of the quota were sold by English fishermen in the 1990s when fishing rights were cut dramatically. Cod fishing, for instance, was almost entirely stopped for several years.

Foreign companies then bought it up as a long-term investment, and experts say the quota market has been allowed to develop in an unregulated way ever since..."

If negotiations fail then trade will be reduced in both directions. Tarrifs will come into force that will make things from the UK more expensive in Europe and Vice versa.

It isn't going be be better for anyone. The question is, which group gets hurt more by this? If you're a contractor and half your business is with a major company that doesn't want to work with you as much then that's a lot worse than if the company only makes up 7% of your work.
No, your sense of smell is just very poor as is your grasp of math's.

If both parties cease trading tomorrow, then the UK will have a hole to fill as will the EU. However, the EU has many trading alternatives to the UK already in place (negotiated), so the pain of replacing 7% is going to be less traumatic than the UK tying to replace 49%. The UK has yet to secure ANY decent trade deals.

It's like them chopping off one of our legs whilst we chop off one of their toes. However, its is also true to say that the UK is one of the most valueable trading countries in Europe, so were not entirely without clout. I think all this talk about us and them and who will blink first is silly and is hyped up for the newspapers.

It doesn't help that we have such a massively anti-EU government, anti-EU press and a voting public still fresh from years of anti-EU doctrine, coupled with a largely truculent UK approach to the negotiation process.

Good post apart from the last paragraph.
7% of all EU manufacturing/trade, exceeds 48% of all UK manufacturing/trade.

that is true but irrelevant.

if the EU loses the UK as an export market, it stands to lose 7% of its export market

if the UK lose the EU as an export market it stands to lose 48% of its export market.

the brexiteers trade surplus argument was always a red herring
-Bodd fell for it and he is clearly still trying to argue the case for it.
I had a sniffing feeling that might be the case...
you were sold a lie that because EU exports are bigger than UK exports, the surplus means we are in the stronger position.

It does not.

It was a false argument by the leave campaign.

so you need to start understanding that sniffing feeling you are getting -is from the bulls hit you have been taken in by for 3+ years.
sadly you are a brainwashed brexiteer so you wont be able to accept that.
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