Dodgy Sue

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

After being caught speeding, Mrs Braverman was offered the choice of either a fine and points on her driving licence, or a speed awareness course.
A government source told the BBC the senior minister had been "concerned" about her insurance premiums, and favoured doing a course.
She asked civil servants about arranging a course for just her, citing security concerns about doing one as part of a group, but was told it was not a matter for the civil service.
Mrs Braverman then asked a special adviser to try to arrange a one-on-one course.
When the course provider told her there was no option to do a private course - and after she was reappointed home secretary in Mr Sunak's government - she opted to pay the fine and accept the points because she was "very busy" and did not have the time to do a course, the BBC has been told.

So we have had Williamson, Raab, Suella, Zahawi all breaking ministerial code.
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And for bonus points her spokesperson lied about it initially.
Her insurance will be paid on expenses until she gets kicked out at the next election when the dinner party circuit will pay (not).

The whole thing was designed to avoid adverse publicity not security issues.

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Doubtless the civil service will be accused of brexhit bias/revenge.

If I were a minister with the tagalong security mob I'd have asked much the same. She was told no , so paid up. No news here, move on.
Correct. How do you think the course would have gone if JohnD, Ellal, Sir Galahad, Nosey or any other bitter, whiney, Tory-hating racist Brexit losers been on the same course?
Correct. How do you think the course would have gone if JohnD, Ellal, Sir Galahad, Nosey or any other bitter, whiney, Tory-hating racist Brexit losers been on the same course?
A surreal scenario, ministers have protection details, I doubt anything untoward would happen on any course
People on a speed awareness course would tend to be on their best behaviour. Plenty of opportunities for flour and eggs at election time


After being caught speeding, Mrs Braverman was offered the choice of either a fine and points on her driving licence, or a speed awareness course.
A government source told the BBC the senior minister had been "concerned" about her insurance premiums, and favoured doing a course.
She asked civil servants about arranging a course for just her, citing security concerns about doing one as part of a group, but was told it was not a matter for the civil service.
Mrs Braverman then asked a special adviser to try to arrange a one-on-one course.
When the course provider told her there was no option to do a private course - and after she was reappointed home secretary in Mr Sunak's government - she opted to pay the fine and accept the points because she was "very busy" and did not have the time to do a course, the BBC has been told.

So we have had Williamson, Raab, Suella, Zahawi all breaking ministerial code.

Oh right

What a caper hmmmm

Glad to see you care :ROFLMAO:

Apparently Starmer and liberals are calling for an enquiry :ROFLMAO:
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