Ear problems



Sorry for this, as Im worried about Mrs GSM. It a bit boring.

She has has an ear infection for about a week.
She has a useless doctor who failed to see our daughter had menengitis so I have no confidence in him. Another story.

Its been a week now, and last night she fell down the stairs. Before all the smart arse comments, no I didnt push but Ive been tempted :D :!: She is dizzy a lot (not drunk) becuase of the ear. Iwas out but she called me so I came home and seemed fine.

Now half of her face is numb. Im just assuming its the ear infection but she is stressing about a stroke. She can move her mouth, and Ive told her to relax, but between you and I, Im a bit concerned.

Mrs GSM does worry, whereas I have not visited a doctor in 20 years.

Is it really worth bothering about?

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I'd get her to A&E as soon as poss its better to be safe than sorry
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GSM, could possibly be Bells Palsy,which is very distressing.

EARLY diagnosis is very important,as is treatment (Steroids) which dont always work,but best option.

Get her to A&E,straight away for diagnosis.Let us know how she goes on.
The two things could be unrelated Paul. I had Bells Palsy last year. Horrible thing but thankfully I had a good recovery, some aren't as lucky. My recovery may or may not have been due to taking the steroids that some doctors prescribe.

Have a look here: http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/Bells_palsy.html

But to be safe I'd either go to Casualty and/or phone NHS Direct: 0845 4647.

EDIT: I see paulc7617 has come to the same conclusion. Do it Paul mate
Blasphemous,great minds think alike :LOL:

like you say Bells Palsy responds sometimes in people,others no benefit.My mother has had it twice now and dispite large dose of steroids no benefit.

Again my daughters 14 year old friend has suffered from this and same no benefit from steroids,tis a great shame cause shes a lovely kid,albiet her face/mouth distorted from it.

Hope she gets a bit better soon,she has intensive physio (cause shes young)to try to improve things. :cry:
As I said Paulc, I had it last year. I'm not sure many would make the correlation if they hadn't had some experience of it. It is horrible! I got quite upset by it and I'm supposed to be a bit of a hard lad and not exactly George Clooney material!

Hope the wife is OK Paul (gassafeman). Even if it is Bells Palsy the recovery rate is between 80 and 90 percent mate. The fact that she's got an ear infection makes me believe it's probably the ear that is having this effect on her face but better safe than sorry. For the Steroids to have the most impact they need to be taken 'within' 48 hours of the initial onset of Bells Palsy.

Hopefully you're not reading this but on the phone to NHS Direct or on your way to A&E.
Thanks for all advice. NHS have just called her back and advice a trip to the hospital. Ill bundle her into the motor and take her. God she will be 10 times worse when I get her there.... she hates the new motor. He he. Mind you, she dont need ear plugs now. :D

Cheers all, bleedin Women. Top Gear is on at 9. ;)

Thanks for all advice. NHS have just called her back and advice a trip to the hospital. Ill bundle her into the motor and take her. God she will be 10 times worse when I get her there.... she hates the new motor. He he. Mind you, she dont need ear plugs now. :D

Cheers all, bleedin Women. Top Gear is on at 9. ;)


Hows your lass, Paul?
John :(
Just an update, Mrs GSM is 'apparently'ok. A nasty ear infection is the diagnosis from the hospital, swabs took, docs talking in words I dont understand.

The best bit... "dry your ear with a hair dryer every day, if its damp it will cause you trouble. (Ensure its on a cool seting though). Go back to the quacks in a week."

Her face is still numb though. I did relay what I had read on here.... met with a look of apathy.

Her blood pressure is up though.... so much late night drinking IMO.

Mind you, that might have been down to the drive over to the hospital. :D

glad its not serious, as said before, better safe than sorry
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