****** - doncha just love 'em?

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Its concerning that this little operation went on for twenty years!

Oh Yea of little faith. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I was working on this family from 1990 to 1996. Managed to bang up most of the family at one time or another. One of then is still serving life from offences committed then. How do you think they get Pre-Cons as long as yer arm?

The police haven't got the bottle to confront a big aggressive *****.

OK Mate - You get called to an alarm at a secluded Country House at 3am. On arrival four ****** come running out the house, throw rocks at you as you drive up and then crash through the main gates leaving the scene. Do you give chase or go and help the old lady caretaker they have just sexually assaulted and beaten.

The Uniformed Plod who did face them in Wiltshire was stabbed in the face with a screwdriver. He was on his own!

I bet you don't have the bottle to walk into any nick in Gloucestershire and repeat what you wrote. Go on I dare you...............
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Sogs, I wouldn't say that it's a level viewpoint at all: my views are somewhat polarised about such people, due principally to having to put up with them wandering through my and my family's life for too many years to mention now.

As such anyone falling into that category starts from a very low base point in my book. However, I still accept that there are the odd decent ones in amongst all the shi'ite - it's just that none have crossed my path as yet.
One of my good friends is a "*****",though he would not appreciate hearing that remark, although he now resides in a house and is settled to the "normal way of life",Iv'e had some right laughs wiuth the guy, Appleby Horse Fair and all that, what a scream, Them BOYS CAN PARTY(AND THE GIRLS TOO)!!
The Uniformed Plod who did face them in Wiltshire was stabbed in the face with a screwdriver. He was on his own!

The rest were issuing speeding tickets and patrolling mother care, or shopping in Tesco.
As for the stabbing incident then they deserve to be severely punished.

I bet you don't have the bottle to walk into any nick in Gloucestershire and repeat what you wrote

No I would not walk into the nick,'coz theres that many bent uniformed t**ts in there ,you have security key pads on the inside. to keep them nice and safe. :evil:

As for confronting them on the street, give me a stab vest, pepper spray, torch. and all the other street gizmos then bring it on one to one. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: as if !!
Oh, police don't do 1 to 1 nowerdays :rolleyes:

Then no doubt the bent coppers will scream blue murder and fabricate evidence against anyone that challenges them.

Out of uniform these officer would not dare to speak to members of the public the way they do when hiding behind an uniform, if they did they would receive the beating they deserve.

For your information I had close dealings with an operation that involved the regional crime squad. Now that was an experience, and to this day I will never forget their courage and professionalism, although I was the one waiting to be shot at.
Nor will I forget their negative comments regarding useless uniformed officers that bent the rules.

No self respecting straight police officer would ever speak or side with the bent officer. Down this area we have drawn the short straw where bent officers are concerned.
They are bored and even get exited when called to minor (no injury) bumper to bumper RTA, then the fiction starts.
As for attending trouble at local ***** site, no chance, even mob handed they never approach the site. A bloody joke really. :LOL: :LOL:

But until the looney chief inspector resigns we have to live with in house corruption.
He has been promoted and moved from several regions and now we are stuck with a lunatic in charge of uniformed pawns. (can Gloucestershire make use of him)

Leave you decide why the police are loosing public respect.

We had a local officer who respected the kids, teenagers and their parents. Inturn every one had respect for the officer.
He was not a pushover and would professionally deal with certain unappropriate behavior.
Unfortunately he was taken off the streets and given a desk job.
Since he left our area his replacements have been an absolute nightmare.

1st idiot they sent had been demoted from 2 other areas.
To call him bent was an understatement. This from other officers that had asked for transfer from local station.

2nd bully was a 5'2" sargent and his side kick a shorter PSCO both hiding behind an uniform. It is rumored that they suffer from SPS (small person syndrome) and were bullied in school.
They have lost the respect from majority of law abiding people, and more disturbing the total lack of respect for the younger generation.

The above sargent is well know in the area for using his pepper spray on anyone ,including genuine ill people hospitalized under mental health act.

They are experts at fabricating evidence and on more than one occasion its been proven in court, but they are still out on the street causing havoc.

Its totaly outrageous how police forces have stooped so low, then again it keeps their initial arrest rates high.

I no longer have any respect towards the police and the police state have no respect for the public.

As for complaining about these so called police officers, its not worth the effort because it falls on deaf ears. :confused:
This has been confirmed by reputable solicitors.

If you don't like the truth, tough, it is fact. If you fall in to same category as 1st and 2nd then it no point talking to you, if you are straight and carry out your duties without having to stoop to lies and fabrication then all is not lost. :?:
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That justifies me calling you a sh*tbag then, even though I don't know you... ;)
No skin off my nose, although I would point out that, unlike ******, chavs, druggies and all the other assorted flotsam and jetsom and 02 thieves that pervade this country, I don't go around thieving or beat up people, or park in people's fields without permission, or get the local authority to build me a camp, I pay my taxes, don't claim a penny off the state and never have, not even SSP.

More fool me, then.
No...you're just a prejudiced w*nker... ;)
No...you're just a prejudiced w*nker... ;)

Well sign me up to the prejudiced party, if getting rid of black curly-haired, illiterate-breeding, social security sponging, drive tarmacing, mansion burgling, tea-leaf reading, tea leafing, degenerates is part of the manifesto!
Managed to bang up most of the family at one time or another.

Only most? :rolleyes:

For your information I had close dealings with an operation that involved the regional crime squad. Now that was an experience, and to this day I will never forget their courage and professionalism, although I was the one waiting to be shot at.
Nor will I forget their negative comments regarding useless uniformed officers that bent the rules.

My, My, You do have it bad over there. :rolleyes:

Yes, there are bent officers and Yes, there are bent solicitors, Yes, there are bent Council Officials, but there are Police Officers working very hard to expose them

I was on the RCS in the 90's, they were top notch. I might even have been on the job that caught you. :eek: :eek: . However, there were bent Officers on the "Squad". Nowhere is immune from them, but I believe they are not as common as you believe.

I retired last year and I can honestly tell you that I only knew one corrupt Officer personally and probably 10 in total in my career. ( Out of 1,000's I have worked with in London and nationally).

My personal view is if it takes just one incidence of bending the rules, not corruption mind you, to catch slimeballs like the Johnsons then I am all in favour of it.
The Police claim to have no leads and ask for witnesses to come forward when all they have to do is to raid the local ***** camps before they have chance to get rid of the evidence


The police haven't got the bottle to confront a big aggressive *****.

They can keep their arrest statistics high by targeting easier pray. The modern police force employ so many corrupt officers, who are experts in converting minor incidents into major incidents.

Around here their favorite saying is "your word against mine, and who do you think they will belive"

You really do have something against the police dont you. I noticed this in another thread. I think a lot of what you say is complete rubbish, but everyone to their opinion eh
I also have a lot against the police, treated like a **** ,most of my life by them.

It's sad when i know if i saw one getting beat up, i'd feel ashamed, but i'd walk away, and that's not me !
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