During the cold snap please check on your Neighbours.

2 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
In the papers and on the news it says that during this cold spell we should be checking in on our neighbours to see if they're okay.

Our next door neighbour is a little 90 year old woman. Not once has she been round to see if we're alright!

The lazy cow hasn't even taken in her milk for a week!
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i think mines tucked up in bed keeping warm coz they havnt ventured to the front door to get there mail or milk for a few days now :confused: :LOL:
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Blasphemous. Perhaps she is a deaf spastic and is not too sure of her footing with all the snow and ice about and has not heard the clink of the milk bottles as they have been delivered. ;)
Blasphemous. Perhaps she is a deaf spastic and is not too sure of her footing with all the snow and ice about and has not heard the clink of the milk bottles as they have been delivered. ;)
:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I love it!