Eds guide to bexit

At least 2% of the dumb voters were influenced.
In all fairness it was pretty easy to get confused.....

Many could be forgiven for thinking this was all one sentence. Those crafty slogan people forgot to use a full stop or capital letters. As for doubling up the actual amount - easy mistake to make if math's is not your strong point.
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I wonder if anyone can give an example of eleven words ending in "instead" that is two unconnected sentences.
In all fairness it was pretty easy to get confused.....

Many could be forgiven for thinking this was all one sentence. Those crafty slogan people forgot to use a full stop or capital letters. As for doubling up the actual amount - easy mistake to make if math's is not your strong point.
That's the trouble with marketing folk.. none of it can be proven to be untrue, and 350is the correct figure if you remove the rebate which the EU has threatened to do in the past.. they can do it at any time.
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350is the correct figure if you remove the rebate
The rebate is taken into account BEFORE payments are made. The figure is not correct. The whole thing was a misleading lie, there to convince the gullible moronic electorate.

It worked too. Stupid RWR.
that's just an emollient rumour being spread to keep people quiet in the hope that a transitional arrangement might postpone the crash.

"It is not clear why Brussels should agree to such an arrangement, which will seem to the member states to be a form of reward to a member state that is leaving because it no longer wishes to pay the subscription or accept the obligations attached to membership.

The EU does not have a frictionless customs border with any country outside the single market or customs union. Indeed, Michel Barnier, the EU commission’s chief negotiator, confirmed last week that such an arrangement was not logically possible and the bloc has not so far allowed any country to obtain the benefits of the internal market or the customs union without imposing obligations in the form of obedience to EU laws."


Do you remember how none of the quitters would say which of the four possible options they wanted?
That's because none of them are good.
We keep hearing about this crash that was going to happen if we voted to leave... Let us know when it happens, there's a good chap.
The rebate is taken into account BEFORE payments are made. The figure is not correct. The whole thing was a misleading lie, there to convince the gullible moronic electorate.

It worked too. Stupid RWR.
The remainiacs had their chance to put their case of the data was not true.. why didn't you say something?
They did. It was touted as fake news. You can not un-convince the RWR. They are morons, it is impossible.
Or could it be that Remain's figures were fake news and Leave's figures are correct... Anyway, with a bit of luck, in a couple of years there will be no figure to argue about...And you will be happy again.
And you will be happy again.
I'm as happy now as I was before the referendum.
I'm not at all pleased with the Brexit Bunch though. Either we are in or we are out. Spineless Tory ****s will do this country no good whatsoever.
I'm as happy now as I was before the referendum.
I'm not at all pleased with the Brexit Bunch though. Either we are in or we are out. Spineless Tory ****s will do this country no good whatsoever.
Your displeasure pleases me... But I feel that they could be doing a better job of it.....Unless as I have suggested before it is all a cunning ruse.
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