Eds guide to bexit

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If they didn't need us, then why would they try so hard to discourage us from leaving..
Leaving the EU can be contagious. Fearful of dissent I guess. The RWR are the same the world over. When you have a country with enough gullible elderly morons, then there is a real risk these naïve dribbling idiots can be convinced the Earth is flat.
Fortunately, Europe is populated by many young forward thinking people.
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Leaving the EU can be contagious. Fearful of dissent I guess. The RWR are the same the world over. When you have a country with enough gullible elderly morons, then there is a real risk these naïve dribbling idiots can be convinced the Earth is flat.
Fortunately, Europe is populated by many young forward thinking people.

what the earth is not flat :eek:

gullable ,elderly morons dribbling idiots . Sounds like China in the future ref 1 child policy :)
It will be interesting to see what the citizens of this country decide, once the terms have been thrashed out. It will be quite different from the nonsense spouted prior to the referendum.

"Brexiters can hardly deny to their opponents the same democratic right that they claim for themselves, unless they secretly fear that the British public has, in fact, had second thoughts. The sovereignty of the people, after all, did not come to a sudden end on 5 June 2016. Finality, Disraeli said, is not the language of politics.

By March 2019, the outlines of the deal should be reasonably clear, since the withdrawal agreement is required to take into account “the framework of its future relationship with the union”.

That framework will need to be approved by parliament. But it can be legitimised only by the people through a referendum, which would either endorse it or show that voters no longer wished to leave the European Union."

It will be interesting to see what the citizens of this country decide, once the terms have been thrashed out. It will be quite different from the nonsense spouted prior to the referendum.

"Brexiters can hardly deny to their opponents the same democratic right that they claim for themselves, unless they secretly fear that the British public has, in fact, had second thoughts. The sovereignty of the people, after all, did not come to a sudden end on 5 June 2016. Finality, Disraeli said, is not the language of politics.

By March 2019, the outlines of the deal should be reasonably clear, since the withdrawal agreement is required to take into account “the framework of its future relationship with the union”.

That framework will need to be approved by parliament. But it can be legitimised only by the people through a referendum, which would either endorse it or show that voters no longer wished to leave the European Union."


A referendum to endorse a deal that also gives voters the chance to show they don't want to leave the EU? :ROFLMAO:
Only europhiles could dream that up.
We'll have left the eu by then surely?
Sounds like wishful thinking from the remoaner camp as usual.
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If it was not for the unelected, dictatorial, unaccountable load of failed politicians (in their own countries) that make up the European Commission, and that loud-mouthed arrogant little s-o-d Juncker, and those like him, shoving their opinions and attitudes down out throats, I wonder whether the UK would have voted for Brexit. Don't forget, we joined the Common Market in 1974, we did not, and never would, join the United States of Europe. We fought two very bloody world wars in the 20th century, and one prolonged conflict in the late 18th/early 19th centuries to keep Europe free of dictators. Why would we want to be part of a modern-day dictatorship run from Brussels?
It will be interesting to see what the citizens of this country decide, once the terms have been thrashed out. It will be quite different from the nonsense spouted prior to the referendum.

"Brexiters can hardly deny to their opponents the same democratic right that they claim for themselves, unless they secretly fear that the British public has, in fact, had second thoughts. The sovereignty of the people, after all, did not come to a sudden end on 5 June 2016. Finality, Disraeli said, is not the language of politics.

By March 2019, the outlines of the deal should be reasonably clear, since the withdrawal agreement is required to take into account “the framework of its future relationship with the union”.

That framework will need to be approved by parliament. But it can be legitimised only by the people through a referendum, which would either endorse it or show that voters no longer wished to leave the European Union."

If it was not for the unelected, dictatorial, unaccountable load of failed politicians (in their own countries) that make up the European Commission, and that loud-mouthed arrogant little s-o-d Juncker, and those like him, shoving their opinions and attitudes down out throats, I wonder whether the UK would have voted for Brexit. Don't forget, we joined the Common Market in 1974, we did not, and never would, join the United States of Europe. We fought two very bloody world wars in the 20th century, and one prolonged conflict in the late 18th/early 19th centuries to keep Europe free of dictators. Why would we want to be part of a modern-day dictatorship run from Brussels?
And another war is coming...

The EU is slowly starting to come apart . The UK brexit vote is just the start of things to come. 27 united countries :LOL:

It will fall apart & there will be chaos

The big clash will come in the eastern states ;) they will not have & will not stand for any EU masse migration /quota policy ;)

do not ask for whom the bell tolls it tolls for the EU after the event u will see all of the remoaners wandering aimlessly around with glum looks on there faces , heads bowed in shame as the become a burden on the NHS seeking mental stress treatment, counselling, therapy and medication.

lets face it how will some of these remoaners cope ????????

may even be mass suicides ???
A referendum must have two option. A "yes" and a "no."
Ok then..... Vote Yes if you like the deal on offer and we will accept and leave the EU
Vote no if you don't like the deal on offer and we shall leave the EU without a deal in place

I see no issue with your request, but surly better for the Government to decide if we leave with or without a deal... Referendums are so expensive
God I thought we'd done this one to death. Some people just can't let things go, can they.

Yes, the negotiations aren't going great, but this is like the blokes that are under the deluded impression that if they wear their lucky pants whilst they watch the game, their team will win. Or the even greater idiots that stop you using the phone in case the manager rings them for advice. More than likely, neither side will come out with what it wants, but that's life - deal with it.

Both sides lied, and more people voted for Brexit, because the likes of Cameron told bigger lies than the Brexit camp did. End of.

If there's another referendum to decide if we like the negotiations, then democracy is dead, and that means that the politicans are finished, and there's too many on both side that won't allow that to happen.
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