Expanded ULEZ

Obviously not. If you allow polluting vehicles in it is not pollution control is it.

Firstly don't dress up a tax as a virtue signalling policy.

Then be realistic about what you are trying to achieve. Central London is not the same as the suburbs so create a scalable policy rather than a blanket tax that penalises the poorest. First world socialism at its worst. Remember his Range Rovers.
Limiting traffic, and, or reducing traffic is by its very nature, pollution control, even if it is only minor.

I am not dressing ulez up as anything. But do you have a better idea?

As for the suburbs, have you ever driven to, and then on the m25 and then further into London, and never noticed any vehicle fumes?
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I have given you a better idea why don't you suggest a more equitable solution or are you just trolling.
I have given you a better idea why don't you suggest a more equitable solution or are you just trolling.
I am not in charge of ulez. I just understand that it may be a clumsy tool, but it is an attempt to reduce pollution.

A scalable policy? That's what ulez is. If your vehicle doesn't meet the requirement it incurs a charge. I don't qualify for any trade in value for 1 of my vehicles to get a newer compliant 1, because I don't live in the area. But if I use that vehicle I know I get charged. My other 2 vehicles comply, so they don't get charged. I use the appropriate vehicle, and incur a charge when appropriate. It is encouraging me to use a cleaner vehicle, I doubt I am the only 1, therefore the scheme is working. How well? I don't have any figures.

Personally I think it would be better to charge every vehicle entering, but that would upset even more people
I am wrong, just because you say so?

There you go again.

You appear to be suggesting it is not worth addressing, in London (as a whole) in particular.

There you go again.

I'd put it in words of one syllable for you, but that would be too much effort on my part, and you'd probably not comprehend anyway.

So I'll just type away.

SOME areas of the expanded ULEZ zone do not suffer from pollution, to the extent that they warrant the charge.

By blanketing them, Khan has alienated enough to put the whole scheme in jeopardy (ditching it will likely be a significant vote winner, in the next mayoral election).
Like it or not, NIMBYISM is a human trait.
When the scheme makes everywhere "my backyard", you get the widespread action we're seeing now.
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There you go again.

There you go again.

I'd put it in words of one syllable for you, but that would be too much effort on my part, and you'd probably not comprehend anyway.

So I'll just type away.

SOME areas of the expanded ULEZ zone do not suffer from pollution, to the extent that they warrant the charge.

By blanketing them, Khan has alienated enough to put the whole scheme in jeopardy (ditching it will likely be a significant vote winner, in the next mayoral election).
Like it or not, NIMBYISM is a human trait.
When the scheme makes everywhere "my backyard", you get the widespread action we're seeing now.
There you go again

I doubt you would talk like that to me if you were in front of me. So why do it in here? Makes you feel big ?

Let me repeat. Just because you say I am wrong, doesn't make me wrong. Or you right. No matter how many times you repeat it. Try being an adult about it .

I didn't design ulez. I didn't ask for ulez.

But anybody that travels to London should be aware of the pollution just by their eyes and nose.

The choices are to ignore it, or do something about it. Ulez is at least trying to do something. And to some extent is making a difference.

Yes, you would draw the ulez line slightly differently. So would everybody.
While we're at it, how much difference - "pollution" - wise - do you reckon it will make, if the car going past is a few months newer than it otherwise would have done?
I haven't; I said I disagreed with you ( mainly, your putting words in my mouth).
You might want to check your facts on that.

And try talking on here like you would do face to face. You know, like adults do.

Try being less pompous
While we're at it, how much difference - "pollution" - wise - do you reckon it will make, if the car going past is a few months newer than it otherwise would have done?
Little, but not none.

Be better to charge every vehicle. That might reduce more.
So you disagree with it. Doesn't make you right

I never said it did.
You keep doing so, though.

Can you point to ANYWHERE inside the line that doesn't suffer from pollution ?

Can you point to ANYWHERE outside the line that doesn't?
(You've previously posted that the m25 is your personal delineator).

Might help if you define "pollution" though, first.
Little, but not none.

Be better to charge every vehicle. That might reduce more.

Even when there's no discernable "pollution"?

And you've already said that you'll just use a different van.

So, little to no difference in "pollution", and no money to khan either.

What's been achieved then?
Even when there's no discernable "pollution"?

And you've already said that you'll just use a different van.

So, little to no difference in "pollution", and no money to khan either.

What's been achieved then?
A lesser polluting vehicle enters London is what has been achieved, or I pay my "tax"

Do you think I am the only 1 changing my habits ? So its working. Even in the early days.

Discernable pollution? I spend my time doing emissions tests on vehicles.

Please don't tell me vehicles don't pollute when you are sat in your little ivory tower
I never said it did.
You keep doing so, though.

Can you point to ANYWHERE outside the line that doesn't?
(You've previously posted that the m25 is your personal delineator).

Might help if you define "pollution" though, first.
Pollution. Stand behind a vehicle and tell me its OK. Its not bad for breathing those fumes in !

Then multiply that by the vehicles entering ulez and tell me its OK to just let it happen. Let's not try and reduce it, which is the point of ulez .

Nobody wants to pay. But we all pay if we don't do something
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